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All Wet

Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Can you be baptized and not be saved?

Water Worries

Dear Water Worries,

People are baptized all the time without being saved!  The word ‘baptism’ comes from the Greek word ‘baptizo’ which means ‘immersion’.  The word ‘baptism’ is the same word that Greeks used when a ship sank to the bottom of the ocean or when someone dove to the bottom of a swimming pool.  In the most technical sense, people are baptized when they take baths, go swimming, etc.  Taking a bath will baptize you, but it definitely won’t save you.

Baptism is only effective when it is done by faith (Col 2:12) and by the authority of Christ (Acts 2:38).  When we are immersed in water for the purpose of appealing to God for a clear conscience (1 Pet 3:21), then we are saved.  Baptism is only effective when combined with belief in Christ (Mk 16:16).

Day 12 - Matthew 12

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Day 11 - Matthew 11

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Devilish Matters

Tuesday, January 17, 2017
When kids are psychic, and they claim they do not have anything to do with the devil, are they lying?  Or is the devil using them?

Weirded Out

Dear Weirded Out,

People that claim they are psychic are lying and are meddling in the occult.  Astrologists, those who claim supernatural powers, palm readers, etc. are not from God (Mic 5:12, Isa 2:6, Jer 27:9).  Every lie is from the devil (Jhn 8:44), and the devil uses us when we promote false teaching (Matt 16:23).  The only way to properly serve God is to throw off all pretenses of these dark arts and wholly serve Jesus in truth (Acts 19:18-20).

Court Order

Monday, January 16, 2017
Hello, my question is: what does the Bible say about marriages by the court and not in a church?  Does God see them the same?  IF a guy was once lost and got married in the court and is now pursuing a relationship with God and a relationship with me but hasn’t actually filed for divorce but has been separated for three years now... what do I do?  I’m lost....

Off The Market?

Dear Off The Market,

This man is married – you shouldn’t be pursuing a relationship with him.  It is a common myth that a couple must be married in a church building in order for the marriage to be valid.  In reality, the Bible never gives a single example of someone getting married in a church building… church buildings as we know them didn’t really even exist in the days of the early church.  What matters is the marriage vow.  Marriage is a commitment between a man and a woman (Matt 5:33)… a solemn agreement recognized by God (Matt 19:4-6).  As you readily admit, this man is separated from his wife but still bound to her.  He is trying to have an adulterous relationship with you.  Honor his marriage and make it clear that you want nothing to do with defiling it (Heb 13:4).

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