Ask Your Preacher - Archives
Friday, September 16, 2016Must I be baptized in order to receive forgiveness of my sins?Sincerely,
What’s In The Water?
Dear What’s In The Water,
Yes. There are no examples of people becoming christians without baptism (the thief on the cross was not a christian… Jesus hadn’t died yet – read “The Thief On The Cross” for more details on that situation). When people asked how to be saved in Acts 2:37, Peter told them that they would be saved when they repented and were baptized (Acts 2:38). Mk 16:16 says that we are saved when we believe and are baptized. 1 Pet 3:21 says that baptism saves you, and Rom 6:4 says that we receive a new life in Christ when we come out of the baptismal waters. Paul was immediately baptized (even before breaking a three day fast) when he had the Gospel preached to him (Acts 9:18-19). The Ethiopian eunuch asked to be baptized after Philip preached to him about Jesus (Acts 8:36-38). Acts 22:16 says that your sins are washed away in baptism, and Gal 3:27 says that we put on Christ when we are baptized. All of these verses (and many more that we haven’t cited) clearly prove that baptism forgives you of your sins. Baptism isn’t the end of your christian journey, it is the beginning… until you are baptized, you are still lost in your sins.
Day 187 - Psalm 121
Thursday, September 15, 20165 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
Lassoing Your Future
Thursday, September 15, 2016Ever since I was eight-years-old, I have been competing in rodeos, which can include Sundays. In the recent few months, I have truly grown in my relationship with God and have accepted Christ as my Savior. But I am still learning and am still unclear on some things and haven't gotten to the preacher at my church to ask him. Is it a sin to rodeo on a Sunday? Many times they have "cowboy church" but not always – should I not be there if there is no church service? Rodeo is a HUGE part of my life, but I would gladly give it up for God, no matter how sad it will make me. Thanks!Sincerely,
Christian Cowgirl
Dear Christian Cowgirl,
You have to ask yourself the question, “Am I forsaking the assembly?”. We appreciate your attitude and desire to do whatever is right, regardless of the cost. That attitude and honest approach to the Scriptures will always serve you well. The verses to consider on this subject are Heb 10:24-25. The Hebrew letter warns against forsaking the assembly. To ‘forsake’ means to ‘abandon’, ‘desert’, or ‘leave behind’. Sunday worship needs to be a regular and constant part of your life. Does missing one Sunday mean that you’ve deserted Sunday worship… no, but if one turns into two, turns into three, etc. – now you have forsaken services for other things. The question you need to ask yourself is, “Am I leaving behind my duty to worship God on Sunday to pursue rodeo?”. Of course, the easiest way to be sure that you are doing the right thing is to always go to services on Sundays. You will have to take the time to examine yourself (Ps 26:2-3). Make sure that rodeo is a part of your life and not the master of your life – we can’t have two masters (Matt 6:24). If you do decide that you need to give up or diminish your participation in rodeo, know this… God will bless you for putting Him first (Jas 1:12).
Day 186 - Psalm 120
Wednesday, September 14, 20165 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
End Of Time
Wednesday, September 14, 2016I have been reading about the end times. It seems that we are very close (from what I have heard and read myself). It seems that a lot of churches talk a lot about the end times from what I can see. Do you think that we are close to the end? Also, what signs in the Bible, if any, have not happened yet? I am just scared that we are close to the end; of course, it could end before I even finish writing the question, so we all need to be ready for it, just wanting your opinion on the subject; thanks!Sincerely,
Looking Ahead
Dear Looking Ahead,
Many verses that people use to discuss the end of time are used out of context. It might surprise you to know that most of the book of Revelation has nothing to do with the end of the world (even John, the writer of the book, said that the book of Revelation was full of things shortly to come to pass – Rev 1:1). So be careful in taking too much stock in what you read on the internet (which is ironic, since this is a website!) or hear through other people. What matters is what the verses say, not what people think or assume. Most stuff you read is merely conjecture. 2 Thess 2:1-2 specifically warns us about getting too caught up in worrying about when the end will come.
The clearest passages we have on the topic of the end of the world are 1 Thess 5:1-10, 2 Pet 3:3-12, and 1 Cor 15:50-58. All three of these passages clearly outline what needs to be known about the end of the world.
First, it will come like a thief, and no one will be ready for it (1 Thess 5:2, 2 Pet 3:10). If the day will only come when no one is expecting it, it only makes sense to not worry about trying to pinpoint that day since God says it is impossible!
Second, we should live every day like it will be our last (1 Cor 15:58, 2 Pet 3:11-12, 1 Thess 5:8-9). If you are always living a holy and faithful life, it won’t matter when Christ returns – a point which you made in your question. Live faithfully, and whether you live or die, you will be ready to meet your Lord (1 Thess 5:10).