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Eyeing Everest
Friday, September 02, 2016What does the parable about having faith as a mustard seed and moving mountains mean?Sincerely,
Strong Man
Dear Strong Man,
The verse you are referring to is Matt 17:20. Jesus was talking to the apostles (Matt 17:19) about why they were unable to cast out a particularly stubborn demon (Matt 17:14-16). Jesus told his apostles that the reason they were unable to cast out the demon was because they didn’t have enough faith. If they had been more faithful, they could have performed the miracle.
The story is not directly applicable to us today because we can’t perform miracles like the apostles could – but there is an important principle being taught: faith makes a difference. Faith is one of the greatest elements of Christianity (1 Cor 13:13). If we trust God, great things can happen.
Day 177 - Psalm 115
Thursday, September 01, 20165 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
A Light In The House
Thursday, September 01, 2016Hi. I'm a working mom, and my husband is a stay-at-home dad. I want our daughter to be raised with good, christian values. He is more worldly. I don't know what to do. He is with her a lot, more than I am, but I feel she will have a harder time wanting to serve Christ if we don't do everything we can now to teach her. Please help.Sincerely,
Manager Mommy
Dear Manager Mommy,
The only thing that you can do is be a light in your family. The Scriptures teach that your greatest tool as a woman married to an unbeliever – is your example (1 Cor 7:13-14). Your example sanctifies your child and husband because your behavior will be a constant voice in their head. Your choices and actions become a reminder to them that there is another option. You cannot force your husband to instill morals in your child, just like you cannot force your husband to have the same morals as you – all you can do is provide alternative. So let your light shine (Matt 5:14-16), pray for wisdom (Jas 1:5), and stand firm by your convictions. The most valuable thing you have to offer your family is your unwavering moral standard.
Day 176 - Psalm 114
Wednesday, August 31, 20165 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
You Deal With You
Wednesday, August 31, 2016Can one christian cause or contribute to another christian’s wrongdoing… or dishonor that person’s mother and father and convince that person that what they are doing is right… and if it was wrong, would God let that person know?What does the Bible say about this matter?
Who’s To Blame?
Dear Who’s To Blame,
The Bible says to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling (Php 2:12). You cannot control what your relatives, friends, neighbors, etc. tell you or choose to do themselves. All you can do is control yourself. Eventually, everyone will be held accountable for the decisions they make in their lives (Heb 9:27). The key is to make sure that you live as the Bible teaches... you can't control everyone else.