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Day 257 - Revelation 19
Wednesday, December 23, 20155 minutes a day 5 days a week All the New Testament in a year
Cast Down Like Lightning
Wednesday, December 23, 2015A congregation was told that Satan is in heaven. I have always been taught that he is on earth, seeking whom he can devour. Have I been taught wrongly for the last thirty years?
Watching The Skies
Dear Watching The Skies,
Satan is definitely not in heaven any longer. He once was, but Jesus cast Satan down. Jesus once told His disciples (after they came back from a successful preaching journey) that He saw Satan being cast down like lightning from heaven (Lk 10:17-18). Satan was permanently cast down to the earth because Jesus’ blood overcame Satan’s arguments against God’s people (Rev 12:9-11). Satan was defeated by the blood of the Lamb… never to dwell in heaven again.
Day 256 - Revelation 18
Tuesday, December 22, 20155 minutes a day 5 days a week All the New Testament in a year
Trouble With Troubles
Tuesday, December 22, 2015My question is what happens when the answer you were expecting doesn't come to pass? I know the heavenly Father is beyond time, but my circumstances and I are not, and time has run out. I am in danger of losing my job, I won’t be able to attend school this semester...again, and I don't have any money to pay my rent. I know there are people in far worse situations, but if God would put me in a position to help others, I would. Why was life designed this way? Why do we have to go through misery? If a person makes up his/her mind to serve God and be on the side of righteousness, why should we have to continue to go through the heartache and evil of this world? Everything has finally come to a head, and, like I said, I am in a state of despair. I don't know how much longer I can endure this life. I want to thank you for taking the time to set up a website like this for people who seek answers. Thank you in advance, sir.
Suffering Servant
Dear Suffering Servant,
If becoming a christian instantly removed all of life’s problems, everyone would obey the gospel for that reason alone. Solomon said it best, “All this have I seen in my days of vanity: there is a righteous man that perishes in his righteousness, and there is a wicked man that prolongs his life in his evil-doing.”
(Eccl 7:15). This life doesn’t always favor the godly. Sometimes, the bad guy does finish first, yet Solomon also said that “it shall be well with them that fear God” (Eccl 8:12) and “it shall not be well with the wicked” (Eccl 8:13).
Many times people suffer for being christians; the apostle Paul said it was mandatory that christians go through trials (Acts 14:22). In fact, Paul said that we should rejoice in tribulation because trials bring the best out of God’s people, making us stronger; trials strengthen our hope and trust in God (Rom 5:3-5). Like the sun softens butter and hardens clay, trials soften humble hearts and harden selfish souls. Christianity is about relinquishing control of our lives and trusting in the Lord (Pr 3:5). Our hearts go out to you as you suffer through various trials of no small degree – suffering is never pleasant. Yet, you can know that the Lord will care for His people (Ps 37:25), and there is much to learn from the trials this life brings (Heb 12:11).
Day 255 - Revelation 17
Monday, December 21, 20155 minutes a day 5 days a week All the New Testament in a year