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Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow

Monday, July 15, 2013
Can you explain how we have forgiveness for past, present, and future sins – must every sin be confessed?

Something On My Chest

Dear Something On My Chest,

We receive forgiveness for all past and present sins by becoming christians (Acts 22:16).  Baptism saves the lost person from their burden of sins (1 Pet 3:21).  After we become christians, God asks us to continue to grow (1 Pet 2:2).  After baptism, all future sins are dealt with by confession (1 Jn 1:9) and repentance (Acts 8:22).  1 Jn 1:9 says that God cleanses christians from all unrighteousness when they live repentant, faithful lives.  The word ‘cleanse’ literally means ‘continually cleanse’ in the Greek.  As we live faithfully through God’s Word (Rom 10:17), we are continually cleansed and freed from our sins as we confess them and repent of them.

Internal Struggle

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Why does God allow for people to be born mentally disabled or with different disorders when it is hard enough just being a normal person and having to deal with everyday struggles?

Compassionate Questioner

Dear Compassionate Questioner,

All disease and illness are a consequence of sin.  When Adam and Eve sinned, their bodies began to die (Gen 2:17).  When mankind was kicked out of the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24), diseases of all sorts began to creep in.  Mental diseases are just one consequence of that fateful decision that Adam and Eve made.  God didn’t cause these disorders; we did.

On the other hand, God offers eternity without disease.  Heaven will be a place without death, pain, disease, or sorrow (Rev 21:4)… and heaven isn’t only reserved for the brightest and most intelligent.  Because God loves us, anyone can go to heaven and have all their pains and troubles cured (Jhn 3:16).  All we must do to go to heaven is to give God our best down here on earth.  For those suffering with debilitating mental disorders, their situation often means a guaranteed ticket to eternity with God because they are as innocent as children (see the article “Of Sound Mind” for further details).  Because of mankind’s sins, many people will suffer in this life, but we have a fair and just God who will make all hurt disappear in the long run if we place our faith in Him (Jhn 14:6, Rom 10:17, Heb 11:6).

The Real You

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Is it necessary to change for the good, or would it be better to be accepted for who you are?

Just Me

Dear Just Me,

When we change for the good, we uncover who we really are.  God tells us to purify our hearts and lives (Jas 4:8).  When you purify something, you take all of the dirt and pollutants out of it.  Sin is a disease that corrupts our lives and contaminates our souls (Gen 6:12).  When we grow in faith, our love increases (2 Thess 1:3), and our joy increases (Php 1:25).  Our lives improve as we purify them.

Eeyore Got It Wrong

Saturday, July 13, 2013
I believe in God and believe He loves me and has a plan for me.  But what if that plan is for me to be miserable?  What if my loneliness and suffering serve His greater plan for the world?  Are there any Scriptures that say God wants us to have a good life?

Down In The Mouth

Dear Down In The Mouth,

God’s plans for our lives may often involve trials and tribulations, but we can learn to have contentment in all circumstances.  Paul warned the early christians that God’s children will be besought with troubles (Acts 14:22).  However, no trial will ever come upon us that is too difficult to handle (1 Cor 10:13).  As we learn and grow, God promises that we can learn to be content in whatever situation we find ourselves in (Php 4:11-13).  God desires for us to love life and see good days (1 Pet 3:10).  This life is full of simple pleasures that are God’s gifts to us (Eccl 3:13).  There may be times when our trials seem never-ending, but remember… even Job eventually saw a happy ending to his tale (Job 42:12).

Grab The Rope!

Saturday, July 13, 2013
Hello, I have a question.  If God forgives all, why do people go to hell?


Dear Firefighter,

God is ready and willing to forgive all (Ps 86:5), but we must seek that forgiveness through Christ.  Christ paid the price, so all the world would have a way to escape hell (Jhn 3:16).  However, if we don’t take advantage of the gift that He gave, we will still be lost.  There is no sin so big that God won’t forgive it if we honestly seek Him… but we must seek Him (Heb 11:6).  We are saved by faith in Christ (Eph 2:8, Rom 10:17), but that means we must trust Christ.

Think of it like someone drowning in the ocean.  A lifeguard throws them a life preserver, but the drowning person must grab that life preserver in order to be saved.  Jesus’ death on the cross is our life preserver.  We must grab it; otherwise, we will be lost.

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