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Ready To Help

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Is the ministry and gift referenced in 2 Corinthians 9 referring to money?  If so, was this money collected by the churches in Achaia to be given to needy non-Christians (9:13)?  I've heard some conflicting views on this, and I'm looking for a good, Biblical answer.

Gift Giver

Dear Gift Giver,

2 Cor 9 is dealing with a gift of money.  Paul is telling the Corinthians how happy he is with their readiness and zeal to give (2 Cor 9:2).  The whole chapter is dealing with a collection to care for the needs of impoverished christians in Jerusalem.  Paul told the Corinthian church to begin taking up a collection for that need in 1 Cor 16:1-3 and that he would pick up the money and deliver it to Jerusalem when he passed through Macedonia (1 Cor 16:5-6).

In the Second Corinthian letter, Paul is telling them once again to make that gift ready because he is coming soon, and he wanted them to be prepared (2 Cor 9:3-5).  That money was collected by the church in Corinth to care for the needs of christians (2 Cor 9:1).  When Paul talks about their liberality “unto them and unto all” (2 Cor 9:13) – the ‘them’ in that context is the brethren in Judea, and the ‘all’ is all the brethren that the Corinthian church had been kind to and cared for.

The Bible only authorizes a local church to give money to care for needy christians.  The church has more restrictive financial guidelines than individuals do.  As individuals, we can – and should – care for both christians and non-christians (Gal 6:10).

Recreational Drug Use

Monday, November 12, 2012
Does the Bible condemn the legal use of narcotics?

From Washington Or Colorado

Dear From Washington Or Colorado,

Plants (and drugs made from plants) are wonderful things if used as God intended – medicinally.  Anything that removes the clarity of someone’s mind or makes them drunk is sinful if used recreationally (1 Cor 5:11).  Christians are to be sober-minded, so that we can properly learn, grow, and serve the Lord (1 Thess 5:6).  The devil loves an addled brain, and the moment we stop thinking clearly, he is ready to pounce (1 Pet 5:8).  Furthermore, the body is a temple and should be treated as God intended – not destroyed with drugs (1 Cor 6:19).  Drugs destroy your body and mind.  You were bought with a price; glorify God in your body (1 Cor 6:20).

Where The Money Goes

Monday, November 12, 2012
Does the Bible say anything about a ministry tithing to a mission field out of their general fund?

Fund Flummoxed

Dear Fund Flummoxed,

In the religious world, the word ‘ministry’ means a lot of different things, but we are going to assume that what you mean by that term is ‘congregation’.  A congregation has the authority to collect funds from its membership every Sunday (1 Cor 16:1-2).  That money can be used for anything that the church is supposed to be doing.

We see examples in the Bible of local congregations supporting individual preachers (like Philippi did with Paul – Php 4:15-18), sending money to needy brethren (Acts 11:29), and caring for christian widows (1 Tim 5:16).  All of these are specific examples that go beyond the normal day-to-day expenditures that congregations have to keep preaching the Gospel in their own local community, teaching the christians there, continuing the worship services, and caring for their own needy christians.

Using these examples as guides, it would be appropriate for a congregation to send money to an individual preacher who is working abroad.

Health Complications Pt. 2

Sunday, November 11, 2012

(This question is a follow-up to “Health Complications”.)

James 5:14 is a directive to the church. Jesus was not speaking to the church in Mk 2:17 because it hadn't been established yet. The question is, now that the church is established, are elders the only authorized men who can be called to attend a sick brother?

Feeling Ill

Dear Feeling Ill,

To say that Jesus’ words (Mk 2:17) don’t apply to individual Christians, and that Jas 5:14 does, sets a precedent that none of Jesus’ words are actually applicable to Christians because the church wasn’t in existence when Jesus spoke.  Jesus makes it clear that if we love Him, we will keep His words (Jhn 14:23).  You can’t just throw away a verse because it doesn’t match your argument… especially if that verse is from the Son of God’s mouth.

Is It Right?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Would it be okay to be in support of equal civil rights for homosexuals?

Almost An Advocate

Dear Almost An Advocate,

Biblically speaking, a nation that puts God first will be blessed (Ps 33:12).  God makes it clear that active homosexual lives are sinful and should be discouraged (Rom 1:26-27).  When a Christian has a chance to impact the political realm of the society they are in, they should always try and shape that society in a way that discourages homosexuality.  "Civil rights" for homosexuals isn't about treating them equally as humans; it is about making society more amenable to that sort of lifestyle.

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