Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/16/20 The Sower And The Seed Jack Hafer Christ in Africa (2020) Gospel Meeting Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2020-02-16-SPM-ChristInCentralAfrica-TheSowerAndTheSeed-Class3-JackHafer.mp3
02/16/20 Spreading the Gospel Jack Hafer Christ in Africa (2020) Gospel Meeting Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2020-02-16-SAM-ChristInCentralAfrica-SpreadingTheGospel-Class2-JackHafer.mp3
02/16/20 Christ in Africa - Teaching Christ Jack Hafer Christ in Africa (2020) Gospel Meeting Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2020-02-16-SCL-ChristInCentralAfrica-TeachingChrist-Class1-JackHafer.mp3
05/19/19 Between Parents & Children Thaxter Dickey A Christ Centered Family Gospel Meeting 2019-05-19-SPM-BetweenParentsChildren-ThaxterDickey.mp3
05/19/19 Building a Godly Marriage Thaxter Dickey A Christ Centered Family Gospel Meeting 2019-05-19-SCL-BuildingAGodlyMarriage-ThaxterDickey.mp3
05/19/19 Marriage From the Beginning Thaxter Dickey A Christ Centered Family Gospel Meeting 2019-05-19-SAM-MarriageFromTheBeginning-ThaxterDickey.mp3
05/18/19 Strong Godly Families Thaxter Dickey A Christ Centered Family Gospel Meeting 2019-05-18-GospelMeeting-StrongGodlyFamilies-ThaxterDickey.mp3
05/18/19 Godly Love in the Family Thaxter Dickey A Christ Centered Family Gospel Meeting 2019-05-18-GospelMeeting-GodlyLoveInTheFamily-ThaxterDickey.mp3
05/17/19 Biblical Families Thaxter Dickey A Christ Centered Family Gospel Meeting 2019-05-17-GospelMeeting-BiblicalFamilies-ThaxterDickey.mp3
11/22/17 Philippians - Lesson 4 Scott Beyer Philippians (2017-2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-11-22-WCL-Philippians-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-11-22-WCL-Philippians-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.mp3
09/13/17 Blessed Assurance Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-09-13-WED-BlessedAssurance-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/11/17 Power of the Resurrection Today Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting 2017-09-11-GPM-PowerOfTheResurrectionToday-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/10/17 Oneisphorus, He oft Refreshed Me Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-09-10-SPM-OneisphorusHeOftRefreshedMe-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/10/17 "The Lord Heard Me" Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-09-10-SCL-TheLordHeardMe-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/10/17 The Power of God in Us Today Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-09-10-SAM-ThePowerOfGodInUsToday-RickieJenkins.mp3
04/30/17 Going Home - Lesson 5 Jack Hafer Equipping The Saints Gospel Meeting 2017-04-30-GPM-EquippingTheSaints-GoingHome-Lesson5-JackHafer.pdf 2017-04-30-GPM-EquipingTheSaints-GoingHome-Lesson5-JackHafer.mp3
04/30/17 Overcomers - Lesson 4 Jack Hafer Equipping The Saints Gospel Meeting 2017-04-30-GPM-EquippingTheSaints-Overcomers-Lesson4-JackHafer.pdf 2017-04-30-GPM-EquipingTheSaints-Overcomers-Lesson4-JackHafer.mp3
04/30/17 Edification Playbook - Lesson 3 Jack Hafer Equipping The Saints Gospel Meeting 2017-04-30-GPM-EquippingTheSaints-EdificationPlaybook-Lesson3-JackHafer.pdf 2017-04-30-GPM-EquipingTheSaints-EdificationPlaybook-Lesson3-JackHafer.mp3
04/29/17 Freedom in Christ - Part 3 Jack Hafer Pornography (2017) Gospel Meeting 2017-04-29-GPM-GodlySexuality-FreedomInChrist-Part3-JackHafer.pdf 2017-04-29-GPM-GodlySexuality-FreedomInChrist-Part3-JackHafer.mp3
04/29/17 Sex in The Digital Age - Part 2 Jack Hafer Pornography (2017) Gospel Meeting 2017-04-29-GPM-GodlySexuality-SexInTheDigitalAge-Part2-JackHafer.pdf 2017-04-29-GPM-GodlySexuality-SexInTheDigitalAge-Part2-JackHafer.mp3
04/29/17 Godly Sexuality - Part 1 Jack Hafer Pornography (2017) Gospel Meeting 2017-04-28-GPM-EquippingTheSaints-TheRelevantChurchL-lesson1-JackHafer.pdf 2017-04-29-GPM-GodlySexuality-GodlySexuality-Part1-JackHafer.mp3
04/29/17 Forgiven! - Lesson 2 Jack Hafer Equipping The Saints Gospel Meeting 2017-04-29-GPM-EquippingTheSaints-Forgiven-Lesson2-JackHafer.pdf 2017-04-29-GPM-EquippingTheSaints-Forgiven-Lesson2-JackHafer.mp3
04/28/17 The Relevant Church - Lesson 1 Jack Hafer Equipping The Saints Gospel Meeting 2017-04-28-GPM-EquippingTheSaints-TheRelevantChurchL-lesson1-JackHafer-1493510726.pdf 2017-04-28-GPM-EquippingTheSaints-TheRelevantChurch-lesson1-JackHafer.mp3
04/10/16 A New Commandment: Love as Christ (Jhn 13:34-35) - Lesson 6 Jack Hafer Looking Like Jesus Gospel Meeting 2016-04-10-GPM-LookingLikeJesus-6of6-ANewCommandment-JackHafer.pdf 2016-04-10-GPM-LookingLikeJesus-6of6-ANewCommandment-JackHafer.mp3
04/10/16 Bearing Fruit: Live Like Christ (Jhn 15:8) - Lesson 5 Jack Hafer Looking Like Jesus Gospel Meeting 2016-04-10-GPM-LookingLikeJesus-5of6-BearingFruit-JackHafer.mp3 2016-04-10-GPM-LookingLikeJesus-5of6-BearingFruit-JackHafer.pdf

Displaying 1 - 25 of 85

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