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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/13/19 Comfort of the Holy Spirit - Lesson 2 Scott Beyer Sermon Comfort of the Holy Spirit Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2019-01-13-SPM-ComfortOfTheHolySpirit-Lesson2-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/13/19 Comfort of the Holy Spirit - Lesson 1 Scott Beyer Sermon Comfort of the Holy Spirit Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM Title2019-01-13-SAM-ComfortOfTheHolySpirit-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/09/19 Exodus - Lesson 10 Scott Beyer Bible Class Exodus (2018-2019) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2019-01-09-WCL-Exodus-Lesson10-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/06/19 Church Goals for 2019 Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2019-01-06-SAM-ChurchGoalsFor2019-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/06/19 I Am Yours Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2019-01-06-SPM-IAmYours-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/02/19 Exodus - Lesson 9 Scott Beyer Sermon Exodus (2018-2019) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2019-01-02-WCL-Exodus-Lesson9-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/30/18 Who is my Neighbor? Ben Keehn Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-12-30-SAM-WhoIsMyNeighbor-BenKeehn.mp3
12/26/18 Exodus - Lesson 8 Scott Beyer Sermon Exodus (2018-2019) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-12-26-WCL-Exodus-Lesson8-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/23/18 The Church is Made Up of Poeple Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-12-23-SPM-TheChurchIsMadeUpOfPeople-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/23/18 Joseph and Mary Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-12-23-SAM-JosephAndMary-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/19/18 Exodus - Lesson 7 Scott Beyer Bible Class Exodus (2018-2019) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-12-19-WCL-Exodus-Lesson7-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/02/18 Psalm - Chapter 2 Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-12-02-SPM-Psalm2-ScottBeyer.mp3
11/25/18 How Gratitude Glorifies God - Lesson 3 Scott Beyer Sermon Christian Morals & Ethics Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-11-25-SAM-ChristanMoralsAndEthics-HowGratitudeGlorifiesGod-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.mp3
11/21/18 Exodus - Lesson 3 Scott Beyer Bible Class Exodus (2018-2019) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-11-21-WCL-Exodus-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.mp3
11/18/18 Why The Scriptures Must Be Our Guide - Lesson 2 Scott Beyer Sermon Christian Morals & Ethics Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-11-18-SAM-ChristianMoralsAndEthics-WhatDoesASuccessfulLifeLookLike-Lesson2-ScottBeyer.mp3
11/18/18 He Meant What He Said Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-11-18-SPM-HeMeantWhatHeSaid-ScottBeyer.mp3
11/14/18 Exodus - Lesson 2 Scott Beyer Bible Class Exodus (2018-2019) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-11-14-WCL-Exodus-Lesson2-ScottBeyer.mp3
11/11/18 What Does a Successful Life Look Like? - Lesson 1 Scott Beyer Sermon Christian Morals & Ethics Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-11-11-SAM-ChristianMoralsAndEthics-WhatDoesASuccessfulLifeLookLike-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.mp3
11/11/18 The Rebellion Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-11-11-SPM-TheRebellion-ScottBeyer.mp3
11/07/18 Exodus - Lesson 1 Scott Beyer Bible Class Exodus (2018-2019) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-11-07-WCL-Exodus-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/31/18 Genesis - Lesson 20 Scott Beyer Bible Class Genesis (2018) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-10-31-WCL-Genesis-Lesson20-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/28/18 What is Wrong with This World? Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-10-28-SAM-WhatIsWrongWithThisWorld-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-10-28-SAM-WhatIsWrongWithThisWorld-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/24/18 Genesis - Lesson 19 Scott Beyer Bible Class Genesis (2018) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-10-24-WCL-Genesis-Lesson19-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-10-24-WCL-Genesis-Lesson19-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/21/18 Why Your body Needs to be a Temple Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-10-21-SAM-WhyYourBodyNeedsToBeATemple-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-10-21-SAM-WhyYourBodyNeedsToBeATemple-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/21/18 Life Lessons from David's Finest Hours Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-10-21-SPM-LifeLessonsFromDavidsFinestHours-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-10-21-SPM-LifeLessonsFromDavidsFinestHour-ScottBeyer.mp3

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