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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/03/18 Happiness - Part 2 - Lesson 6 Scott Beyer Sermon A Biblical Look at Emotions Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-06-03-SPM-ABiblicalLookAtEmotions-Lesson6-Happiness-Part2-ScottBeyer.mp3
06/03/18 Happiness - Part 1- Lesson 5 Scott Beyer Sermon A Biblical Look at Emotions Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-06-03-SAM-ABiblicalLookAtEmotions-Lesson5-Happiness-Part1-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/30/18 Titus - Lesson 4 Scott Beyer Sermon Titus (2018) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-05-30-WCL-Titus-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-05-30-WCL-Titus-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/27/18 Spiritual Growth: A Choice Eric Ciocco Sermon N/A Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2018-05-27-SAM-SpiritualGrowthAChoice-EricCiocco.mp3
05/27/18 Confess Steve Wilkes Bible Class N/A Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2018-05-27-SCL-Confess-SteveWilkes.mp3
05/24/18 Friendly Discourse: How to Give a Defense With Respect & Honesty - Lesson 9 Daniel Reeves Sermon Designed by God (2018) Thursday Bible Study 2018-05-24-THU-DesignedByGod-Lesson9-FriendlyDiscourse-DanielReeves.mp3
05/23/18 Titus - Lesson 3 Scott Beyer Bible Class Titus (2018) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-05-23-WCL-Titus-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/20/18 The Falling Away Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-05-20-SPM-TheFallingAway-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-05-20-SPM-TheFallingAway-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/20/18 Luke - Lesson 28 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class Luke (2017-2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2018-05-20-SCL-Luke-Lesson28-OlivierPeterContesse.mp3
05/20/18 Take Courage - Lesson 4 Scott Beyer Sermon A Biblical Look at Emotions Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-05-20-SAM-ABiblicalLookAtEmotions-Lesson4-TakeCourage-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-05-20-SAM-ABiblicalLookAtEmotions-Lesson4-TakeCourage-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/17/18 The Heart of the Matter: Psychology & Ethics - Lesson 8 Daniel Reeves Sermon Designed by God (2018) Thursday Bible Study 2018-05-17-THU-DesignedByGod-Lesson8-TheHeartOfTheMatter-DanielReeves.mp3
05/16/18 Titus - Lesson 2 Scott Beyer Bible Class Titus (2018) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-05-16-WCL-Titus-Lesson2-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-05-16-WCL-Titus-Lesson2-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/13/18 What Makes a False Teacher Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-05-13-SPM-WhatMakesAFalseTeacher-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-05-13-SPM-WhatMakesAFalseTeacher-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/13/18 Luke - Lesson 27 Oliver Peter-Contesse Sermon Luke (2017-2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2018-05-13-SCL-Luke-Lesson27-OlivierPeterContesse.mp3
05/13/18 Sadness - Lesson 3 Scott Beyer Sermon A Biblical Look at Emotions Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-05-13-SAM-ABiblicalLookAtEmotions-Lesson3-Sadness-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-05-13-SAM-ABiblicalLookAtEmotions-Lesson3-Sadness-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/10/18 To Infinity and Beyond: Astronomy and Cosmology - Lesson 7 Daniel Reeves Bible Class Designed by God (2018) Thursday Bible Study 2018-05-10-THU-DesignedByGod-Lesson7-ToInfinityAndBeyond-DanielReeves.mp3
05/09/18 Titus - Lesson 1 Scott Beyer Bible Class Titus (2018) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2018-05-09-WCL-Titus-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-05-09-WCL-Titus-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/07/18 2nd & 3rd John - Lesson 8 Scott Beyer Sermon 1st, 2nd, & 3rd John (2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2018-05-02-WCL-2nd3rdJohn-Lesson8-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-05-02-WCL-2nd3rdJohn-Lesson8-ScottBeyer.mp3
05/06/18 Luke - Lesson 26 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class Luke (2017-2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2018-05-06-SCL-Luke-Lesson26-OlivierPeterContesse-1526318395.mp3
05/06/18 3 Manley Men Jason Keehn Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2018-05-06-SAM-3ManleyMen-JasonKeehn.mp3
05/06/18 Luke - Lesson 26 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class Luke (2017-2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2018-05-06-SCL-Luke-Lesson26-OlivierPeterContesse.mp3
05/06/18 Are You Righteous? Jason Keehn Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2018-05-06-SPM-AreYouRighteous-JasonKeehn.mp3
05/03/18 The Circle of Life: Biology & Ecology - Lesson 6 Daniel Reeves Sermon Designed by God (2018) Thursday Bible Study 2018-05-03-THU-DesignedByGod-Lesson6-TheCircleOfLife-DanielReeves.mp3
04/29/18 Negative Emotions - Lesson 2 Scott Beyer Sermon A Biblical Look at Emotions Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2018-04-29-SAM-ABiblicalLookAtEmotions-Lesson2-NegativeEmotion-ScottBeyer.pdf 2018-04-29-SAM-ABiblicalLookAtEmotions-Lesson2-NegativeEmotion-ScottBeyer.mp3
04/26/18 God's Micro Fingerprint: Cells and Molecules - Lesson 5 Daniel Reeves Bible Class Designed by God (2018) Thursday Bible Study 2018-04-26-THU-DesignedByGod-Lesson5-GodsMicroFingerprint-DanielReeves.mp3

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