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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/22/17 Luke - Lesson 3 Oliver Peter-Contesse Sermon Luke (2017-2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-10-22-SCL-Luke-Lesson3-Oliver.mp3
10/22/17 Gospel Distractors - Lesson 3 Scott Beyer Sermon Reaching Out: Being Who the World Needs Us to Be Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-10-22-SPM-ReachingOutBeingWhoTheWorldNeedsUsToBe-Lesson3-GospelDistractors-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-10-22-SPM-ReachingOut-Lesson3-Gospel_Distractors-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/18/17 Hebrews - Lesson 15 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-10-18-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson15-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-10-18-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson15-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/15/17 A Christian's Three Relationships Scott Beyer Sermon Reaching Out: Being Who the World Needs Us to Be Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-10-15-SPM-eachingOutBeingWhoTheWorldNeedsUsToBe-Lesson2-AChristiansThreeRelationships-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-10-15-SPM-ReachingOut-Lesson2-AChristiansThreeRelationships-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/15/17 Lessons from Psalm 119 - Lesson 3 Scott Beyer Sermon Lessons from Psalm 119 Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-10-15-SAM-LessonsFromPsalms119-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-10-15-SAM-LessonsFromPsalm119-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/15/17 Luke - Lesson 2 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class Luke (2017-2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-10-15-SCL-Luke-Lesson2-Oliver.mp3
10/11/17 Hebrews - Lesson 14 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-10-11-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson14-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-10-11-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson14-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/08/17 Who are We? - Lesson 1 Scott Beyer Sermon Reaching Out: Being Who the World Needs Us to Be Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-10-08-SPM-ReachingOut-Lesson1-WhoAreWe-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-10-08-SPM-ReachingOut-Lesson1-WhoAreWe-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/08/17 Luke - Lesson 1 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class Luke (2017-2018) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-10-08-SCL-Luke-Lesson1-OlivierPC.mp3
10/08/17 Lessons from Psalm 119 - Lesson 2 Scott Beyer Sermon Lessons from Psalm 119 Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-10-08-SAM-LessonsFromPsalms119-Lesson2-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-10-08-SAM-LessonsFromPsalms119-Lesson2-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/04/17 Hebrews - Lesson 13 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-10-04-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson13-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-10-04-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson13-ScottBeyer.mp3
10/01/17 Heaven Jason Keehn Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-10-01-SPM-Heaven-JasonKeehn.mp3
10/01/17 Superhero Jason Keehn Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-10-01-SAM-Superhero-JasonKeehn.mp3
09/27/17 Hebrews - Lesson 12 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-09-27-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson12-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-09-27-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson12-ScottBeyer.mp3
09/24/17 Lessons from Psalm 119 - Lesson 1 Scott Beyer Sermon Lessons from Psalm 119 Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-09-24-SAM-LessonFromPsalm119-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-09-24-SAM-LessonsFromPsalm119-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.mp3
09/20/17 Hebrews - Lesson 11 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-09-20-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson-11-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-09-20-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson-11-ScottBeyer.mp3
09/17/17 The Grace of Giving Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-09-17-SAM-TheGraceOfGiving-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-09-17-SAM-TheGraceOfGiving-ScottBeyer.mp3
09/17/17 Jacob I Loved, Esau I Hated Jordan Nieman Sermon N/A Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-09-17-SCL-JacobILovedEsauIHated-JordenNieman.mp3
09/17/17 How the Word Changed Them Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-09-17-SPM-HowTheWordChangedThem-ScottBeyer.mp3
09/13/17 Blessed Assurance Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-09-13-WED-BlessedAssurance-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/11/17 Power of the Resurrection Today Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting 2017-09-11-GPM-PowerOfTheResurrectionToday-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/10/17 Oneisphorus, He oft Refreshed Me Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-09-10-SPM-OneisphorusHeOftRefreshedMe-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/10/17 "The Lord Heard Me" Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-09-10-SCL-TheLordHeardMe-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/10/17 The Power of God in Us Today Rickie Jenkins Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting with Rickie Jenkins Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-09-10-SAM-ThePowerOfGodInUsToday-RickieJenkins.mp3
09/06/17 Hebrews - Lesson 10 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-09-06-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson10-ScottBeyer.mp3

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