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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/03/17 Holiness and God's Eternal Purpose Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-09-03-SPM-HolinessAndGodsEternalPurpose-BrentHunter.pdf 2017-09-03-SPM-HolinessAndGodsEternalPurpose-BrentHunter.mp3
09/03/17 Am I A Christian? Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-09-03-SAM-AmIAChristian-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-09-03-SAM-AmIAChristian-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/30/17 Hebrews - Lesson 9 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-08-30-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson9-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-08-30-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson9-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/27/17 Dead Sea Scrolls - Isaiah 53 Steve Grimes Bible Class Summer Series (2017) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-08-27-SCL-DeadSeaScrolls-IsaiahCH53-SteveGrimes.mp3
08/27/17 As For My House Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-08-27-SAM-AsForMyHouse-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-08-27-SAM-AsForMyHouse-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/23/17 Hebrews - Lesson 8 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-08-23-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson8-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-08-23-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson8-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/20/17 Eating in the Bible Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-08-20-SPM-EatingInTheBible-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-08-20-SPM-EatingInTheheBibleScottBeyer.mp3
08/20/17 The Tale of Three Bables Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-08-20-SAM-TheTaleOfThreeBabels-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-08-20-SAM-TheTaleOfThreeBabels-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/16/17 Hebrews - Lesson 7 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-08-16-WED-Hebrews-Lesson7-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-08-16-WED-Hebrews-Lesson7-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/13/17 Humble Origins: Why Jesus will never win the popular vote Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-08-13-SAM-HumbleOrigins-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-08-13-SAM-HumbleOrigins-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/13/17 Riches & Kindness Jason Keehn Bible Class N/A Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-08-13-SCL-RichesAndKindness-JasonKeehn.mp3
08/13/17 Defeating Other Gods Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-08-13-SPM-DefeatingOtherGods-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-08-13-SPM-DefeatingOtherGods-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/08/17 Bravery Gene Keehn Bible Class N/A Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-08-09-WCL-Bravery-GeneKeehn.mp3
08/06/17 Spirit and Soul Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-08-06-SAM-SpiritAndSoul-ScottBeyer.mp3
08/06/17 Clay in The Potters Hand Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class N/A Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-08-06-SCL-ClayInThePottersHand-OlivierPC.mp3
08/06/17 1st Peter 1:25 - The Word of The Lord Endures Forever Steve Grimes Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-08-06-SPM-1Peter1-25-TheWordOfTheLordEnduresForever-SteveGrimes.mp3
08/02/17 Hebrews - Lesson 6 Scott Beyer Bible Class N/A Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-08-02-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson6-ScottBeyer.mp3
07/30/17 Demons Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-07-30-SAM-Demons-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-07-30-SAM-Demons-ScottBeyer.mp3
07/26/17 Hebrews - Lesson 5 Scott Beyer Bible Class Hebrews (2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-07-26-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson5-ScottBeyer.mp3
07/23/17 Are You a Pharisee? Jesse LaRue Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-07-23-SPM-AreYouAPharisee-JesseLaRue.mp3
07/23/17 Reprove, Rebuke, and Exhort - 2 of 2 Scott Beyer Sermon Reprove, Rebuke, and Exhort Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-07-23-SAM-ReproveRebukeExhort-2of2-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-07-23-SAM-ReproveRebukeExhort-2of2-ScottBeyer.mp3
07/19/17 Hebrews - Lesson 4 Scott Beyer Sermon Hebrews (2017) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-07-19-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-07-19-WCL-Hebrews-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.mp3
07/16/17 Reprove, Rebuke, and Exhort - 1 of 2 Scott Beyer Sermon Reprove, Rebuke, and Exhort Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-07-16-SAM-ReproveRebukeAndExhort-1of2-ScottBeyer.mp3
07/16/17 How Jesus Amazed People Chad Sychtysz Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-07-16-SPM-HowJesusAmazedPeople-ChadSychtysz.mp3
07/09/17 Commitment to the Great Commission Ron Cope Sermon N/A Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-07-09-SPM-CommitmentToTheGreatCommission-RonCope.mp3

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