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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/22/17 Perseverance - Lesson 5 Scott Beyer Sermon Add to Your Faith Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM _2017-01-22-SPM-AddToYourFaith-Perseverance-Lesson5-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-22-SPM-AddToYourFaith-Perseverance-Lesson5-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/22/17 James - Lesson 3 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class James (2017) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-01-22-SCL-James-Lesson3-OliverPC.mp3
01/22/17 Workers in the Vineyard - Matthew 20 Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-01-22-SAM-WorkersInTheVineyard-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-22-SAM-WorkersInTheVineyard-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/19/17 Minor Prophets - Lesson 8 Scott Beyer Bible Class Minor Prophets (2016-2017) Thursday Bible Study 2017-01-19-THU-MinorProphets-Lesson8-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-19-THU-MinorProphets-Lesson8-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/18/17 Galatians - Lesson 7 Scott Beyer Bible Class Galatians (2016-2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-01-18-WCL-Galatians-Lesson7-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-18-WCL-Galatians-Lesson7-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/15/17 If Your Brother Sins Against You Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-01-15-SAM-IfYourBrotherSinsAgainstYou-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-15-SAM-IfYourBrotherSinsAgainstYou-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/15/17 James - Lesson 2 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class James (2017) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-01-15-SCL-James-Lesson2-OliverPC.mp3
01/15/17 Self-Control - Lesson 4 Scott Beyer Sermon Add to Your Faith Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-01-15-SPM-AddToYourFaith-SelfControl-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-15-SPM-AddToYourFaith-SelfControl-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/12/17 Minor Prophets - Lesson 7 Scott Beyer Bible Class Minor Prophets (2016-2017) Thursday Bible Study 2017-01-12-THU-MinorProphets-Lesson7ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-12-THU-MinorProphets-Lesson7-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/11/17 Galatians - Lesson 6 Scott Beyer Bible Class Galatians (2016-2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-01-11-WCL-Galatians-Lesson6-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-11-WCL-Galatians-Lesson6-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/08/17 Knowledge - Lesson 3 Scott Beyer Sermon Add to Your Faith Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-01-08-SPM-AddToYourFaith-Knowledge-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-08-SPM-AddToYourFaith-Knowledge-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/08/17 James - Lesson 1 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class James (2017) Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-01-08-SCL-James-Lesson1-OlivierPC.mp3
01/08/17 The Transfiguration Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-01-08-SAM-TheTransfiguration-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-08-SAM-TheTransfiguration-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/05/17 Minor Prophets - Lesson 6 Scott Beyer Bible Class Minor Prophets (2016-2017) Thursday Bible Study 2017-01-05-THU-MinorProphets-Lesson6-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-05-THU-MinorProphets-Lesson6-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/04/17 Galatians - Lesson 5 Scott Beyer Bible Class Galatians (2016-2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2017-01-04-WCL-Galations-Lesson5-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-04-WCL-Galations-Lesson5-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/01/17 3 Traits of A Highly Successful Monroe Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2017-01-01-SAM-3TraitsForAHighlySuccessfulMonroe-Scottbeyer.pdf 2017-01-01-SAM-3TraitsofAHighlySuccessfulMonroe-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/01/17 Happy New Year Steve Grimes Bible Class N/A Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2017-01-01-SCL-HappyNewYear-SteveGrimes.mp3
01/01/17 Virtue - Lesson 2 Scott Beyer Sermon Add to Your Faith Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2017-01-01-SPM-AddToYourFaith-Virtue-ScottBeyer.pdf 2017-01-01-SPM-AddToYourFaith-Virtue-Lesson2-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/29/16 Minor Prophets - Lesson 5 Scott Beyer Bible Class Minor Prophets (2016-2017) Thursday Bible Study 2016-12-29-THU-MinorProphets-Lesson5-ScottBeyer.pdf 2016-12-29-THU-MinorProphets-Lesson5-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/28/16 Galatians - Lesson 4 Scott Beyer Bible Class Galatians (2016-2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2016-12-28-WCL-Galations-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.pdf 2016-12-28-WCL-Galations-Lesson4-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/25/16 The Resurrection - 1st Cor. 15 Oliver Peter-Contesse Bible Class N/A Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2016-12-25-SCL-TheResurrection-1stCor15-OlivierPC.mp3
12/25/16 The Great Confession - Matt. 16:13-16 Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2016-12-25-SAM-TheGreatConfession-MattCh16v13-v16-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/21/16 Galatians - Lesson 3 Scott Beyer Bible Class Galatians (2016-2017) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2016-12-21-WCL-Galations-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.pdf 2016-12-21-WCL-Galations-Lesson3-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/18/16 Glory & Virtue Scott Beyer Sermon Add to Your Faith Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2016-12-18-SPM-AddToYourFaith-GloryAndVirtue-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.pdf 2016-12-18-SPM-AddToYourFaith-GloryAndVirtue-Lesson1-ScottBeyer.mp3
12/18/16 What is the Cost of Doing Good? Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2016-12-18-SAM-WhatIsTheCostOfDoingGood-ScottBeyer.pdf 2016-12-18-SAM-WhatIsTheCostOfDoingGood-ScottBeyer.mp3

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