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My Sister's A Shaman

Sunday, November 25, 2012
My 46-year-old sister has been caught up in a group of new age shamans.  She has taken all the classes and is now involved in some things they call “soul retrieval” and “journeying”.  Both delve into the spirit world.  She claims to talk to spirits and my deceased mother.  Whenever I see her, I get a very uneasy creepy feeling.  I am at the point where I can’t stand to be around her or look at her.  I want to be a good sister and christian, but I don't know what I should do.  She knows that I think what she is involved in is wrong and thinks it is funny.  She says she believes in God, but I feel what she is involved in is not right.  Not sure how to handle this anymore.  Any suggestions?  Thank you.

My Soul Doesn’t Need Retrieving

Dear My Soul Doesn’t Need Retrieving,

If she thinks your religious differences are funny, religion is not something she is taking very seriously at this stage of her life.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jhn 14:6).  Jesus is an exclusive Savior; He leaves no room for other gods or forms of worship.  Your sister needs be only mildly interested in spiritual things to recognize the differences between the Bible and her occult practices.  The fact that she is amused by your discomfort makes it clear that she is not interested in discussing the topic with you.  Unfortunately, the only option you have is to back off and “not throw your pearls before swine” (Matt 7:6).  Maybe someday she will change her attitude and be more receptive to God’s Word.  Until then, be cordial but as distant as you need to be to feel that you are keeping “good company” (1 Cor 15:33).

The First Day Of The Week

Friday, November 23, 2012
I am looking for a lesson on the authority of worshipping on Sunday as opposed to serving the Lord on Saturday.  After reading about the Council of Laodicea and seeing that after Christ died 300 plus years later, the church seemed to take a change.  Although I have heard lessons on this subject, it has been some time, and unfortunately, I need a refresher.

Ready For The Weekend

Dear Ready For The Weekend,

Christians have always worshipped God on Sunday.  The easiest place to see this in Acts 20:7 where Paul met with a congregation to worship on Sunday.  Furthermore, local congregations are commanded to gather together and take up a collection on Sundays (1 Cor 16:1-2).  The pattern of the church meeting on Sundays is established very early in the New Testament.  Sunday worship is the Biblical pattern of worship – not Saturdays.

Christ Paid It All

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
What happens to the pre-church saints at the rapture, and are there any references for this?

Rapt Attention

Dear Rapt Attention,

The millennial rapture doctrine is a widely taught, but false, concept.  The Scriptures never describe a millennial kingdom or a worldwide event where all of the faithful are caught up to heaven before a great tribulation.  Pre-millenialism is a teaching that comes from taking parts of the book of Revelation out of context as well as misusing parts of the book of Matthew.  It is a very common teaching, but that doesn’t make it accurate.  We recommend reading “Left Behind”, “Tripping Over Tribulations”, and “I Was Told There’d Be Dragons” for further information on that topic.  If you are really interested, feel free to check out a series of classes one of our AYP writers taught on the book of Revelation.

As for what will happen to all the faithful who died before Christ came to this earth, they will be saved just like us.  Christ’s blood paid for the sins of those who had made animal sacrifices for their sins – Jesus paid the price those animals never could (Heb 10:1-5).  Jesus became the living sacrifice that the faithful of all ages depended upon.  Those who died before Christ lived faithfully under the Old Testament, trusting in the Savior who was to come (Heb 11:13), and they receive salvation as much as those who live under the New Testament.

Mind Games

Sunday, November 18, 2012
On one occasion shortly after I prayed to Jesus, in the darkness of my eyes (STILL closed), I could clearly see the word "Grace" light up like a white neon-light sign, and it was hovering over a body of water.  After this picture faded away, I opened my eyes and wondered: was it a vision?  What does this mean?  Can you answer this for me?

Floating Grace

Dear Floating Grace,

No, it was not a vision.  Prophets have visions, and there are no more prophets since we have the perfect and complete Word of God (1 Cor 13:8-10).  The human mind is a complex and wondrous thing (Ps 139:14).  It is perfectly normal for our mind to make mental connections as we pray, study, sleep, etc.  Those mental images aren’t visions; they are just your own thoughts as your mind meditates upon what you have said, read, or heard.


We recommend you read “I Dreamed A Dream” for more information.

The Newly Appointed Minister Of Music

Saturday, November 17, 2012
What do you do when you feel that you have been pushed aside and not allowed to let your calling being used?  I was a director of a youth choir at my local church.  We now have a minister of music, and now I have been told by them that my services are no longer needed.  Whenever I asked to direct the choir because the Lord has laid a song in my heart, I am told that they have to pray about the song.  I talked to the pastor, and I was told that I should work with the minister of music, but they are not allowing me to work with them.  I have been directing and singing since the age of seven, and I am presently 49.  I have asked the Lord to help me with this situation because I am not clear about what I should do.  I have been asked to join another ministry, but I do not want to leave my present church.

The Other Director

Dear The Other Director,

We are not exactly sure what advice to give you.  On the one hand, we could simply tell you that it is important to do whatever you can to be at peace with all men (Rom 12:18).  There are many times when we must deal with disappointment in order to get along with others.

On the other hand, we are concerned that we would be giving you a small piece of advice on human relationships while overlooking the weightier issue - the fact that you have been caught up in a world of choirs, ministers of music, and other things not found in the Bible.

The Bible gives us a simple example for worship.  God tells us that all christians should sing and make melody in our hearts (Eph 5:19).  There are no choirs in the New Testament church.  Choirs have audiences... in the church, we should all participate in praising God with our voices.  Choirs are a denominational concept that deviates from the New Testament pattern.  We here at AYP love singing and praising God in song, just like you do.  It is important that we stick to the Bible pattern and have everyone praise God and pluck their heart strings together.  Worship only makes God happy when we worship Him the way He wants (1 Sam 15:22).

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