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Oh, The Horror!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Is it sinful to watch horror movies?


Dear Screamer,

There is some debate to be had over seeing a movie that is rated for gratuitous violence.  At the very least, christians should be very, very cautious about viewing anything rated ‘R’ (a rating that most horror movies receive).  According to the MPAA, an ‘R’ rating on a movie is received for one (or a combination) of five things:

  1. Adult themes and activities.  This is a generic listing, but it is fair to say that this content almost always involves subject matter that is inappropriate for anyone with morals.  ‘Adult themes’ are almost always synonymous with ‘sinful behavior’.
  2. Hard language
  3. Intense or persistent violence
  4. Sexually-oriented nudity
  5. Drug Abuse

When a christian looks at that list (and at least one of those things MUST be present to receive an ‘R’ rating), it should explain why ‘R’ rated movies can be such a bad thing.  Christians are to dwell upon things that are pure, wholesome, good, and holy – not worldly filth (Php 4:8).  When we dwell upon evil things, like what is found in ‘R’ rated movies, we set ourselves up for spiritual failure and death.  Jesus Christ wasn’t “culturally relevant” in the sense of being like others.  Jesus abhorred worldliness.  The Bible tells us to flee immorality and, instead, to live soberly and righteously in this present world (Tit 2:12).  Everyone must make their own decisions regarding what movies to watch and what movies to avoid, but before you go to that next horror movie, ask yourself, “What am I putting into my mind?”

Day 140 - Luke 3

Monday, July 17, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Missing The Spirit Pt. 2

Monday, July 17, 2017

(This question is a follow-up to “Missing The Spirit”.)

Will the Holy Spirit ever come to him [the man that fell away]?  Will God ever come back to him if he truly repents?

Yea Or Nay?

Dear Yea Or Nay,

Repentance is always available… even after someone has fallen away.  Jesus told Peter that we are to model our forgiveness after God's, and God's forgiveness is infinite to the repentant (Matt 18:21-35).  Furthermore, when someone fell away in the Corinthian church and later repented, Paul said that the church should accept that person back with open arms (2 Cor 2:6-8).  There is always opportunity to repent and come back as long as we are still living.

Day 139 - Luke 2

Friday, July 14, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

No Photography, Please

Friday, July 14, 2017
My question has to do with being a photographer.  If I work for a company that sends me out on assignment to photodocument an event such as a swimsuit competition, would that be wrong?  And if it is, what about going to the beach?  Should we not do that either?  Thank you.

Confused Photographer

Dear Confused Photographer,

We live in a fallen world where sin is constantly around us, but that doesn’t mean we should be active participants in it (Eph 5:11).  You are absolutely correct that you will find a lot of sinful behavior and immodest dress at the beach, but existing in the same place as that behavior is a lot different than documenting it for publication in a positive light.  Newspaper photographers are put in a billion different situations that bring up moral questions.  The key is to ask yourself, “Am I in a position where I am participating in or furthering immoral behavior?” (2 Cor 6:14)  Considering the purpose and goal of swimsuit competitions... your answer would probably be, “Yes, I am furthering immoral behavior” in this circumstance.

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