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Day 133 - Philippians 4

Thursday, July 06, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Last Species Standing

Thursday, July 06, 2017
Why do species go extinct all the time?  If it was because God decided it was to be, why did He create them in the first place?

The Conservationist

Dear The Conservationist,

All animals were created by God and for God’s pleasure (Col 1:16).  Just like humans create and then destroy things (you probably threw away lots of trash this week that at one point were brand new products)… God uses His creation according to His pleasure and purposes.  Why God has allowed certain animals to become extinct and allowed others to survive is a matter of His choosing.  Furthermore, God has given humans a certain level of authority over this planet (Gen 1:27-28).  How we treat this planet has an effect upon the animal kingdom as well.  Though God has the final say on all things, He has allowed us a great deal of freedom to shape this planet and world according to our desires.  Our choices have a major impact upon what animals do, or don’t, become extinct.

Day 132 - Philippians 3

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Earning A Gift

Wednesday, July 05, 2017
If you were Muslim, cured cancer, saved millions of lives, and ended world hunger, would you still go to hell simply for not being christian?

Just Curious

Dear Just Curious,

If you are a Muslim, you will go to hell.  If you are anything other than a christian, you will go to hell.  Nobody gets to heaven because they are such a good person (Rom 3:27-28).  Everyone has sinned and fallen short of the perfection that gives you a right to enter heaven’s gates (Rom 3:23).  No amount of good deeds cancel out your bad deeds.  If I save a million lives, but murder one – I am still a murderer.  Sin requires forgiveness, and forgiveness is a gift (Rom 6:23).  We receive that gift through Jesus’ sacrifice (Jhn 3:16), and we can only be redeemed by Jesus’ blood when we place our faith in Him (Rom 3:24-25).  We place our faith in Christ when we hear His Word (Rom 10:17) and obey it.  There is no way to God except through Christ (Jhn 14:6).  We here at AYP are unashamed to call Jesus our Lord (Rom 10:16-17) and proclaim Him as the only way to heaven (Jhn 10:7-11).

Day 131 - Philippians 2

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

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