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From Nothing To Eternity

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
I am an atheist who is actively searching for belief in God.  Is this something that can be achieved?  Can somebody with an open mind shift beliefs?


Dear Thoughtful,

Your question is one of the fundamental questions of life: “Does God Exist?”  It is important that everyone asks this question at some point in their life.  It is a basic question that is worthy of an honest answer.  We here at AYP believe that anyone with an honest heart can examine the evidence and change.  We believe in God because of the evidence.

We will try to give you some key points that there is a Creator, but we will also point you in the direction of some resources that may help you in your quest for answers.  So here we go:

  1. Look at a watch and ask yourself the question, “Is this designed?”  Of course, a watch is designed – just like a house, a car, a camera, and other modern technological marvels.  You know they are designed because they are complex, they have purpose, and they are organized in a meaningful way.  Now look at your eye, your hand, even a single follicle of hair.  Are they designed?  They are infinitely more complex than a watch.  They have very distinct purposes, and they are all organized in a meaningful way.  You were designed by God; you have a Designer.  If you believe in watchmakers, you can believe in God.
  2. The most basic laws of science tell us that nothing ever comes from nothing (1st Law of Thermodynamics).  Einstein made it clear that nothing can be destroyed; energy can turn into matter and matter into energy, but everything that is here has always been here.  That begs the question, “Where did it all come from?”  Scientists all agree that everything we see had to come from somewhere, but the only logical answer to that question is ‘God’.  God, a supernatural deity not bound by the laws of physics, created all that we see and enjoy in this universe.
  3. God’s Word is also proof that God is.  The Bible is a book that only God could write.  It has prophecies that are fulfilled hundreds of years after they are spoken.  It has remained unchanged by tradition or persecution for thousands of years.  It makes statements about how our world works hundreds of years before scientists realized the concepts for themselves.  The Bible is a book composed by over forty different writers over thousands of years, and yet it has no contradictions within it.  The Bible could not have been written by anyone but Deity.

These are just three reasons to believe in God; there are many more that space prevents us from mentioning.  We also recommend you go back and read through the posts in our EVIDENCES category.  You will see that you aren’t the only one who has questions about God, and you will also see that there are answers to every question.  We also recommend reading I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Geisler and Turek and Has God Spoken? by A.O. Schnabel. Both books are well worth the read.

Day 125 - Ephesians 2

Monday, June 26, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Bling With Bite

Monday, June 26, 2017
My wife bought a gift for me as a symbol of love only; it is a piece of jewelry called an Italian horn.  We both love the Lord with all our heart; we aren’t superstitious in any way.  I looked up what this piece of jewelry depicted, which is a moon goddess.  This is in no way an idol to me; I serve the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob only!  Jesus Christ is my Lord, my Rock, and my Salvation.  My question is: am I in sin by wearing the Italian horn around my neck?

Italian Accessorized

Dear Italian Accessorized,

Many people wear jewelry that depicts ancient idolatrous behavior (almost all Native American artwork falls into this category).  As Paul said, "we know that an idol is nothing" (1 Cor 8:4).  The jewelry has no intrinsic evil to it; it is only if it is perceived as an item of worship that it becomes sinful.  If people believed you were wearing the jewelry for religious purposes (or if it offended your conscience), you would have to stop (1 Cor 8:7-9).

Day 124 - Ephesians 1

Friday, June 23, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Limited Love

Friday, June 23, 2017
What does the Bible say about homosexuality?  Is it wrong?

Truth Tracker

Dear Truth Tracker,

There are numerous verses that condemn homosexuality.  In the New Testament, 1 Cor 6:9 specifically states that homosexuals cannot inherit the kingdom.  Rom 1:26-27 says that homosexuality is a perversion of God’s natural design of men and women.  1 Cor 7:2 points out that marriage is intended for a man and a woman (Matt 19:4-6 also states this).  Jude 1:7 points out that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their homosexual behavior.  Those are some of the most forthright New Testament verses on the subject.

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