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Day 113 - 2 Corinthians 9
Thursday, June 08, 20175 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
War And Peace
Thursday, June 08, 2017Why does God command the people of Israel not to kill, but then He orders them to kill enemies of Israel… even the women, children, and livestock? Then Jesus tells His disciples to "turn the other cheek." I haven't been a christian for very long, but I've always been confused about this.Sincerely,
Double Standard
Dear Double Standard,
The Hebrew word used for ‘kill’ in the Ten Commandments literally means ‘murder’. There is a difference between killing someone in self-defense and pre-meditated, intentional murder of another human being. The Bible has plenty of examples of faithful people going to war (David killed Goliath in battle – 1 Sam 17:49-50). The Bible is also full of examples of capital punishment for certain crimes (Num 15:35). Num 35:15-16 makes a distinction between accidentally killing someone and premeditated murder. A police officer may have to kill someone while serving the community, but that isn’t murder. There is a difference.
It is wrong for an individual to purposefully seek to harm another unless they are acting as an agent of the government (God has given national governments the authority to use ‘the sword’ of punishment – Rom 13:4) or reacting in self-defense. God commanded the nation of Israel to kill in times of war, but He condemns vigilante murder. The teaching of “turn the other cheek” (Matt 5:39) is an individual command that applies to everyday living. The context has nothing to do with war-time actions.
Day 112 - 2 Corinthians 8
Wednesday, June 07, 20175 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
Mrs. Minister?
Wednesday, June 07, 2017I am a minister/evangelist and a widow with four children. I have just reunited with a childhood sweetheart. We haven't seen each other in thirty years. We have been intimate and want to get married in six months. He is saved and a deacon at his church in another state. He has been a member for twenty years. I am relocating to his state. Our main problem is that he will not compromise or is willing to change his church or denomination. I really feel bad because I have fallen in love and want to be married again after twenty-three years of marriage to my late husband. I have a call in my life to minister to women and children. I want to be with him at his church, but I know it wouldn't be long. What do I do? We need to clean up our act; I will not minister and treat God with disrespect in the pulpit. What should I do?Sincerely,
PerplexedDear Perplexed,
The best way for you to not treat God with disrespect in the pulpit would be to stay out of the pulpit. You are worried about which denomination to be a part of, but all denominationalism is wrong (see “Down With Denominationalism” for further details). You are worried about mistreating the pulpit by being married to a man of different religious views, but you ignore the fact that women aren’t supposed to be in the pulpit (1 Cor 14:34). We here at AYP have a consistent record of showing patience with people who ask questions on this site, but just like our Lord taught… we have zero patience for those who profess to teach Christ but instead are hypocrites (Matt 23:13-15). You say that you are an evangelist, and yet you ignore the most basic Bible teachings on men and women’s roles, the error of denominationalism (Eph 4:4-6), and depending on what you mean by “we have been intimate”, maybe even have ignored God’s teachings on marriage and sex (Heb 13:4). Ma’am, you are no minister of Christ (Matt 7:21-23).
Day 111 - 2 Corinthians 7
Tuesday, June 06, 20175 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom