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I See Dead People
Monday, December 19, 2016I dream about things before they happen. And I have seen people after they have passed on since I was a little girl.Is this looked at as bad, unnatural, or evil?
Speaker For The Dead
Dear Speaker For The Dead,
It is looked at as lying. God specifically condemns all forms of the dark arts (Lev 20:6) because such practices are idolatry and rebellion against Him (1 Sam 15:23). Throughout the ages, there have always been people that have claimed to be able to perform supernatural feats, such as telling the future… and they all have been proven to be frauds. If you could really tell the future, you wouldn’t be sending the question into this website – you would be on the five o’clock news. Follow the example of the converts in Acts 19:19 that burned up all their books of the magical arts and wholly and completely turned to serve the Lord with honest hearts.
Day 253 - Psalm 145
Friday, December 16, 20165 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
What's Love Got To Do With It?
Friday, December 16, 2016Hi, I am a twenty-one-year-old English major; I have one more semester before I graduate. My problem: I don't believe that romantic love exists. I know there are others that think the same. Most people think they are in love, but when something comes along and they break up, they find out it wasn't love or that they hate the person. Relationships to me are pointless. It's unnecessary stress; more than half of marriages end in divorce within the first two to five years. I can be completely successful without someone. I actually thought about caring for someone, tried, but couldn't. Is there something wrong? I'm in no way apathetic or whatever; I just don't put emotions into something that I feel isn't worth it. I care about things. Rarely have I been angry. I've never been jealous. I'm happy when I need to be happy. I'm focused on graduating and getting the things I need done. I get emotional over things such as when my grandfather died; I actually cried. Am I incapable of caring about the one person that God may have sent for me to be in a romantic relationship with?Sincerely,
Love Nausea
Dear Love Nausea,
Romantic love is a real thing, but it isn’t a necessity… and some people never get married. The Bible dedicates an entire book of the Bible (Song of Solomon) to the subject of romantic love. Marriage, when pursued by godly people, can be one of the most wonderful blessings on this planet. After all, two are better than one (Eccl 4:9). However, Christ made it clear that romantic love isn’t for everyone – some people were born without the desire for that type of relationship (Matt 19:12). Paul wasn’t married and made it clear that he was able to serve the Lord more efficiently because of it (1 Cor 7:32-35). You don’t have to pursue romantic love, and you are in now way “defective” if you aren’t interested in marriage. We are all uniquely made by the Lord and have the freedom to serve Him through marriage or without it. Don’t look down on those that pursue romance, and don’t feel bad about being different.
Day 252 - Psalm 144
Thursday, December 15, 20165 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
With Friends Like These
Thursday, December 15, 2016I am a believer. Unfortunately, I hang out with lost people and have a tendency to do what they do (drink, etc.). I feel God drawing me closer to Him. I have a very wounded heart from the past. Here is my question: will God in one form or another take people He does not want me to be around out of my life since I can’t seem to do it on my own?In the last month, I have had a falling out with three of these people, and it wasn’t my doing. Please explain; thanks.
Too Friendly
Dear Too Friendly,
The Lord helps those who make decisions to put Him first. God won’t magically remove all the temptations from your life, but He will make sure you are never tempted beyond what you are able (1 Cor 10:13). God promises that the struggles of this life can be resisted… and there is an expectation that you will do that. Bad company corrupts good morals (1 Cor 15:33). As you expressed, unhealthy relationships will destroy your soul like rust destroys iron.
God promises that if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us (Jas 4:8). As you make decisions to purify your life and build healthy relationships, God will reward you for those decisions.