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Day 26 - Psalm 25
Wednesday, February 03, 20165 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
Angels Among Us
Wednesday, February 03, 2016Are we assigned angels to help and influence us when we are saved and accept Jesus as our Savior or when/if we are born into a Christian family?When Jesus said He could call on legions of angels, does that mean we can, too?
Halo Hunter
Dear Halo Hunter,
There are several situations that God says angels are regularly involved in influencing and protecting human lives.
- They report to God on behalf of christians who are abused, persecuted, and mistreated (Matt 18:10).
- They watch and rejoice when the lost repent (Lk 15:10).
- They are watching and see when we sin (1 Cor 11:10).
- They carry the souls of the faithful to Paradise (Lk 16:22).
- They protect and fight over the spiritual direction of nations (Dan 10:13).
The end result is that we don’t know much about angels, but we do know that they influence the lives of all of mankind. Their very name explains their role. ‘Angel’ means ‘messenger’. Angels are the messengers of God, daily fulfilling tasks on His behalf. Wherever God’s will needs to be fulfilled, angels will not be far. In the case of Jesus – He had been given specific authority to call upon angels to protect Him at any time (Matt 26:53). The Bible never states that all christians have been given that kind of authority. However, when a righteous person prays, God listens (Jas 5:16)… and if God listens, He may very well send His angels to do His bidding on our behalf.
Love From A Distance
Tuesday, February 02, 2016My ex adopted three kids after we divorced. I have tried to be a dad figure in their lives. I have decided to start dating, and ex says I can no longer see the kids. They have all had horrible dads that were abusive or absent. I don't want to be another person that walks out on them. Will God judge me for not being there even though I want to be but can't because of my ex? Am I selfish to want to move on with my life? I love these kids, and they tell friends that I am their dad.Sincerely,
Distant Dad
Dear Distant Dad,
You can only do what you can do. If you can be involved in their lives, even in a small way – you should. Even though you aren’t their biological father, they view you that way. You have a responsibility to do whatever you can to be involved and do good in their lives (Gal 6:10).
Having said that, it sounds like you don’t have a lot of control over the issue. God only holds us accountable for what we are capable of doing (2 Cor 8:11-12). You must be ready and willing to be involved, but if your ex-wife forbids you from being involved, you are no longer bound.
Pray about this issue (1 Thess 5:17). Ask God for wisdom and petition your ex-wife for the opportunity to continue to do what you know is right. After that, trust the Lord and find peace that He will make all things work together for good (Rom 8:28).