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Leaving A Lie
Monday, February 01, 2016{To our AYP Readers – the following is a follow-up to the post “A “Pastor” Problem”. In order to fully appreciate this post, you should go back and read the previous question.}
Thanks for writing me back. I hear what you are saying; I think that my father-in-law should be pushing me to the next level. My wife still does not want to leave her dad’s church, but I have to do what GOD is calling me to do. I want to please GOD and not man, so I am getting myself together, so I can do the will of GOD for my life. And you are right if we start doing things GOD’s way and not our way (sic-AYP). What do I do now that I realize this? I could lose my wife to her dad. I am praying for things to change, but until then, I will stay on bended knees. Please give more insight, please.
Pastored Pastor
Dear Pastored Pastor,
I’m not sure that you do understand what we are saying. We are saying that the church you are a part of is not God’s church. You are not a pastor in the Lord’s church, nor have you ever been. You were ordained to fulfill a position that isn’t found in the Bible and serve in an apostate congregation. You shouldn’t be “pushed to the next level”; you should start over again. You are not abiding within the doctrine of Christ and His Word is not in you (2 Jn 1:9).
If you really do want to serve God, and we pray you do, you will have to leave this church. Christ said that He would set families against themselves (Matt 10:34-36). If you choose to find a faithful church (please read “Finding A Church” and “Preacher Interrogation”), it will set you against your wife and father-in-law. You will need to start over and look at the Bible as your standard for all your behavior. Nicodemus, a Pharisee, feared what Jesus’ preaching meant for His position, but ultimately – the truth is the truth (Jhn 3:1-2). We must be prepared to do whatever it takes to put the Lord first. You need to leave man’s religion and start a new life, never again adding or taking away from God’s standards (Rev 22:18-19).
A Simple Start
Friday, January 29, 2016I'm old enough to get baptized, and I've been raised in a household that really emphasizes Bible knowledge. I want to get baptized... I feel like I should have a while ago. Here's my hang-up: even though I know a lot of Bible facts, I don't feel like I know enough to be a christian. I can't explain most of the Bible to my friends yet. What type of christian would that be?! I feel ashamed and frustrated and kind of stupid.Sincerely,
Not Enough Knowledge
Dear Not Enough Knowledge,
To become a christian, you only need to know two things:
- What it takes to become a christian. Feel free to read the post “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”.
- That the Bible will be your only guide for the rest of your life (Rom 1:16).
As you read through the New Testament, you see many conversions that occurred with only this knowledge. The Ethiopian eunuch became a christian after only a chariot ride Bible study (Acts 8:38). The Philippian jailer obeyed the gospel after only one evening of study (Acts 16:31-33). Three thousand people became christians after only one sermon (Acts 2:38-41).
When we first become christians, we are only babies (1 Cor 3:1). It is only after time and practice that we become mature and full-grown adult christians (Heb 5:14). If you are prepared to learn and grow in God’s Word, that is enough. Get baptized, become a christian, and begin your journey.
Mourning Without Hope
Thursday, January 28, 2016I lost a friend who is not a Christian. I know they weren't saved and they won’t be in heaven, but is there anything the Bible says that can bring any comfort?Sincerely,
Grieving The Lost
Dear Grieving The Lost,
The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is, at times, almost unbearable. That pain can be amplified when we do not have hope of someday seeing that person in heaven.
God says that He finds no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezek 33:11). That tells you that God will not send anyone to hell by accident, spite, or malicious intent. Anyone who ends up in hell really, truly belongs there. When your friend faces God on the Day of Judgment, God will make the right decision concerning their fate. There is some comfort in knowing that God will not make any mistakes.
God has a deeper, more complete understanding of eternity than you or I do. He is completely loving (1 Jn 4:8). If your friend goes to hell, it will be because the most loving and wise God of all creation knew that was where they chose to be.