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Holy Spirit Baptism

Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Doesn't the Bible (or Jesus) clearly state you must receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit in order to be saved or enter heaven?  If so, how do I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Want To Be Holy

Dear Want To Be Holy,

You do not need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit in order to be saved.  In fact, the book of Acts gives a clear example of a group of people who were christians but hadn’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:12-16).  The baptism of the Holy Spirit was a miraculous event that endowed people with miraculous abilities.  It happened to the apostles on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), and it happened to Cornelius and his household when the first Gentiles were preached to (Acts 10:44-45).  Holy Spirit baptism doesn’t save you; water baptism is what saves you (1 Pet 3:21, Mk 16:16).  In fact, when Cornelius and his household were filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter said that they still needed to be baptized in water (Acts 10:46-48).  Holy Spirit baptism was a temporary miraculous gift used to spread the Gospel in the first century before we had the completed Bible, but now that we have a perfect Bible, there is no longer any need for miracles (1 Cor 13:8-10).  If you want to have your sins forgiven, you need to be baptized in water.  Read “What Must I Do To Be Saved” for further details.

XY or XX?

Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Is it unbiblical for a girl to baptize someone?  I do not believe there are any examples of it.  I assumed it would at least be okay for a girl to baptize another girl, but I do not believe there are any direct commands or similar examples.  I am not asking in terms of whether it would be acceptable if we were the last two people on the earth – but just in every day circumstances.  Thank you.

Not All Wet

Dear Not All Wet,

You are right that there are no examples of women baptizing anyone; however, we must also consider that what we know of baptism places zero emphasis upon the one doing the baptizing… all the emphasis is placed upon what happens to the one who is baptized.

Every time that baptism is mentioned in the New Testament, it addresses what happens to the person who is baptized.  All the requirements and blessings of baptism that are mentioned in the New Testament are directed at the one going under the water.  Some examples are:

  1. Buried in Christ (Rom 6:4)
  2. Required to do it in Jesus’ name (Acts 10:48)
  3. Must believe (Mk 16:16)
  4. Receive salvation (1 Pet 3:21)
  5. Must repent (Acts 2:38)

Although it is true that there is never an example of a female baptizing anyone, we would hesitate on being too dogmatic on the issue.  God seems to make it clear that He cares about the attitude, character, and choices of the one being baptized, not the one doing the baptizing.  Our opinion (emphasis upon opinion) is that if a man is able to do the baptism – he should, but it would be inappropriate to say that a baptism was illegitimate because a woman did it.

Paradise Lost pt. 2

Sunday, September 30, 2012

(This question is a follow up to “Paradise Lost” – AYP)

I was saved when I was about thirteen and was baptized in the Methodist church when I was fifteen.  I hope this doesn’t offend you.  As I grew up, you know every boy and girl has hormones. I became an addict to pornography and sexual sin.  I was born with a nerve disease and have been disabled since I was a teenager.  I never had a girlfriend when I was growing up and have never been on a date with a woman.  I have been battling with my porn addiction for a long time.  I think I am finally cured from sexual sin.  I have been praying about it and reading my Bible a lot.  I am now 48-years-old and now in a wheelchair.  I am just terrified that I have lost my salvation and that I’m going to hell.  All the preachers I ask all say different things.  I have prayed about it and told God my fears, but I’m still terrified about this.  I would appreciate any help you could give me.

Where To Now?

Dear Where To Now,

You definitely can be forgiven of your sins.  Jesus preached to prostitutes and others who had committed countless sins (Matt 21:31).  God does require repentance of sin (you can’t just continue in an ungodly lifestyle), but you can be forgiven (Acts 3:19).  You have had a rather unsteady past when it comes to religion.  We would like you to consider that as you attempt to wipe the slate clean of previous habits, that you also wipe the slate clean of previous religious assumptions.

We here at AYP want you to learn what the Bible says and nothing more.  When considering salvation, how to live, what church to attend, and various other religious questions – who cares what man thinks?!  The Bible contains everything you need to know concerning life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3).  The Gospel is God’s tool to teach you about salvation (Rom 1:16).  Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Mormon, etc. doctrine has no bearing on your salvation.  Only God’s Word can guide you to heaven.  We recommend you read “What Must I Do To Be Saved” and “Finding The Church” very carefully and continue to ask questions.  Don’t pay attention to what we say; pay attention to the verses we cite in our answers.  The Scriptures are not a matter of personal interpretation (2 Pet 1:21).  The Scriptures are here, so all can see God’s Will any time they read the Word (2 Pet 1:15).  If you have further questions (and we hope you do!), continue to ask them and accept only answers fully supported by the Scriptures.

Look Behind Door Number Three

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I was baptized in a Baptist Christian church; currently I am converting to Catholicism.  I was wondering, the nun that runs the program said my baptism in the Baptist church should be fine as long as it was with water and the spirit.  I was wondering if you could tell me if that is the way I was baptized, or am I going to have to be re-baptized into the Catholic church?  Thank you.

Between Faiths

Dear Between Faiths,

If we understand you correctly, you want to know if your baptism in a false religion will qualify you for conversion to another false religion.  We really couldn’t say; we try and provide Bible answers here.  Neither Catholic nor Baptist doctrine is our specialty.  You’ll notice the Bible never refers to God’s people as Baptists or Catholics – God’s people are known as christians (Acts 11:26).  God doesn’t teach that all denominations are acceptable.  In fact, God hates denominationalism.  There is only one church pattern (Eph 4:4)… one church pattern that follows the New Testament’s teachings.  Many say that they serve God, but saying that you serve God is not the same as being a christian (Matt 7:21-23).  Christianity rejects the traditions of men (Mk 7:8).  If you want to serve God and go to heaven, you have to reject Baptist creeds and Catholic catechisms – no more listening to those who forbid marriage and tell you to abstain from certain foods (1 Tim 4:2-3).  Seek God through the purity of His Word and His Word only (Jhn 14:15).  Read “What Must I Do To Be Saved” to see what the Bible requires of us for salvation.  Don’t accept groups that pick and choose what verses they want to hear and avoid the rest – they pervert the gospel (Gal 1:6-7).  The sum of God’s Word is truth (Ps 119:160).  Accept no substitute.

Cause Of Death

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
My mom died two weeks ago today due to an illness she had… alcohol and prescription pill abuse; she was sick with this illness for eight years.  The doctor said she took a lot of acetaminophen which caused her liver to fail and caused her to go into a coma.  On her death certificate, it says it was suicide.  My question is: did my mom go to hell for an illness?

Ill At Heart

Dear Ill At Heart,

We here at AYP cannot and will not make a judgment on whether someone did or did not go to hell.  All we can do is tell you that sin brings spiritual death (Rom 6:23).  In order to go to heaven, we must have our sins washed away in the blood of Christ (1 Pet 1:18-19).  It is only through faith in Christ that we can have salvation (Jhn 14:6).  Read “What Must I Do To Be Saved” for exactly what it takes to become a Christian and have your sins washed away.

We wish to express our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to you in this time of sorrow.  Words cannot express the heartache and turmoil that a child has when their mother dies – especially under such tumultuous circumstances.  Find comfort in the fact that God does not make mistakes; wherever your mother ends up – it will be decided by a righteous and loving God (Ps 116:5).  The best thing that you can do is to turn to that loving God in your time of sorrow, so you can be sure that when you die, there will be no doubts about where you end up.

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