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Crucifying The Old Man

Saturday, December 29, 2012
     At what point do we die to sin as Romans 6 says?  At what point are we said to have died with Christ?

Killing Sin

Dear Killing Sin,

Romans 6 tells us when – baptism.  When we are baptized, we die with Christ (Rom 6:3). When we come out of the water, we have a new life with Christ (Rom 6:4).  There are plenty of other verses that also teach that baptism is the point where our sin goes away.  Acts 22:16 says that baptism washes away our sins.  1 Pet 3:21 says that baptism saves us, and Acts 2:38 says that baptism is so that your sins may be forgiven.  Baptism is the moment we crucify the old man of sin and the new man is born to live for Christ (Rom 6:5-7).

Waterless Places

Thursday, December 27, 2012
If the water pipes broke and the baptistery was bone dry, would my salvation have to wait until the plumber showed up?  If I were to die before then, would I go to hell?  If obedience to water baptism is the means of forgiveness of sins, then I would.

Water Resistant

Dear Water Resistant,

Oh, the wonderful power of the ‘what-if’ question!  Hypothetical questions are the most powerful debating tool in the world because they don’t need to have any basis in reality… the reality is that if the pipes break at the building, there are rivers and streams nearby, and bathtubs, and hot tubs, and public pools, etc.  Our first answer to your question would be simply – there is always water to get baptized in.  After all, it’s water; two-thirds of the world is covered in the stuff.

The second part of our answer would be that God in His providence watches over those who are truly seeking baptism.  Ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened (Matt 7:7).  God promises that if we want to obey Him that He will make it possible.  Therefore, if someone wants to be baptized, God is going to protect them until they can get to water.  God wants us to be saved; He finds no pleasure in people going to hell (Ezek 33:11).  If someone wants to be baptized for salvation (Mk 16:16, Acts 2:38, 1 Pet 3:21)… God is going to make sure they can be.

All Wet

Sunday, December 23, 2012
If my past sins are forgiven when I am baptized in water, and it is possible for me to "lose my salvation" and go to hell after being baptized, then wouldn't my best chance of going to heaven be to drown in the baptistery before I had a chance to sin and be lost again?!!  If I wanted to be absolutely sure of heaven, isn't that my best opportunity?


Dear Waterlogged,

Heb 3:12 says that we can fall away from God and lose our salvation, but it specifies how that happens.  We fall away when we have an “evil heart of unbelief”.  God continually cleanses us of our sins when we confess them and are faithful and loyal to Him (1 Jn 1:9-10).  Christians have security and confidence in their salvation as long as they are living for God and trying to serve Him according to His Word.  We fall away when we stop trying.  In reality, drowning yourself in the baptistery (which is an intentionally absurd and extreme example) is giving up.  Christians are forgiven of their sins and have committed to a new life in Christ (Rom 6:4).  Drowning in the baptistery isn’t a new life… it’s suicide.

According to your example, Paul (who spent a lifetime dedicated to God) would have been better off dead right after conversion.  Paul said the opposite was true.  “To live was Christ” (Php 1:21), and though Paul admitted that even an apostle could fall away (1 Cor 9:27)… he was confident of the salvation that awaited him (2 Tim 4:8).  All christians can be confident of their salvation if they are living faithfully.  All christians fall short and sin, but only when we turn our hearts from God and willfully live sinful lives do we need to be fearful (Heb 10:26-27).

Who Will Be Saved?

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Are we born sinners or born into sin?  My boyfriend’s mom said we are all saved, but the Bible says that if you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth, then you will be saved... so if you haven’t done either, how are you saved?

Lost On Salvation

Dear Lost On Salvation,

We aren’t born sinners (all babies are born pure and without sin just like Adam and Eve – read “What About The Children” to better understand the spiritual state of children), but we also aren’t all saved (Matt 7:13).  Though it is true that all adults have sinned (Rom 3:23), sin is a choice… not a genetic birth defect.

When an adult breaks God’s laws and commits sin (and we all do), they die spiritually (Rom 6:23).  The only person to never sin was Jesus Christ (Heb 4:15).  All the rest of us have sinned and, therefore, are impure and unfit to dwell eternally in heaven.  It is only through Jesus’ blood that we can be freed from our sin (1 Jn 1:7).  Jesus says that He will cleanse us of our sin if we have faith in Him (Gal 3:22).  We learn how to have faith in Jesus through the Bible (Rom 10:17).  In our post “What Must I Do To Be Saved”, we explain what the Bible requirements are for salvation.  (You mentioned belief and confession, which are two of the requirements).  If we haven’t put our faith in Christ, we will not be saved.  The only way to get to heaven is through faith in Jesus (Jhn 14:6).

The Rainbow Connection

Friday, December 21, 2012
If God knows our sinful nature, why did He destroy the earth and promise never to do it again?

Strong Swimmer

Dear Strong Swimmer,

God made the promise never to flood the earth again because He had a different plan in mind.  Instead of leaving every man to do what was right in his own eyes until things got completely and totally depraved (as was the case before the flood – Gen 6:5-6)… He used one man to bring hope to all men.

After the Great Flood, God called Abraham to be His servant and the father of a great nation (Gen 12:1-2).  God made a promise to Abraham that through Abraham’s seed, all mankind would be blessed (Gen 22:18).  Jesus is the seed of Abraham (Gal 3:16).  After the Great Flood, God put into motion His plan to offer salvation to all mankind through Jesus Christ.  That road began with Abraham, and when the proper time came… Jesus was born (Gal 4:4).

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