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Who Were 'They'?

Tuesday, March 05, 2013
When Jesus hung on the cross, He said, "Father forgive them for they do not know what they do.”  Who were the ‘they’?  Those standing there?  All those who were involved in His crucifixion?  Or the whole world?  If it was the whole world, then the whole world and everybody in it at that moment and time forward would be forgiven their sins.

Translate That

Dear Translate That,

Jesus was asking God to not hold that particular sin against the people who were crucifying Him (Lk 23:34).  That statement was not a blanket statement that saved all mankind, regardless of their choices, from sin.  Jesus made it very clear that everyone has a choice.  We can take the wide road to destruction or the narrow road to salvation (Matt 7:13).  Jesus is the way to salvation, and we must choose to follow Him (Jhn 14:6).  After Christ’s death, Peter preached that we must choose to repent and be baptized if we want to receive forgiveness from our sins (Acts 2:36-38).  Salvation is a free gift offered to the whole world (Jhn 3:16), but we must choose to take advantage of that gift (Acts 2:40).

There Can Be Only On - Pt. 2

Sunday, February 24, 2013

[This question is a follow-up to “There Can Be Only One”]

Why are all the other religions wrong?  Are 1.5 billion people going to heaven while 4.5 billion will burn in hell?  It almost doesn't seem like the fair and loving God I would worship.


Dear All-Inclusive,

God is perfectly fair – we just aren’t very grateful for what He has offered us.  There is nothing unfair about God’s plan of salvation.  Everyone can be saved in Christ (Jhn 3:16).  Jesus opened a door to salvation that anyone can walk through.  Anyone that desires to have salvation through Christ can have it (Rev 3:20).  It isn’t His fault that many people spurn His invitation.  Which road we take is our choice (Matt 7:13).

Perfectly Faithful

Monday, February 11, 2013
If we still have to live a sinless life to go to heaven, why did Jesus die?

Far From Flawless

Dear Far From Flawless,

The Bible doesn’t require that we live perfectly, but it does require that we live faithfully (Rom 1:17).  When we combine our faith with a life that works for Christ (Jas 2:14-17), we can have confidence in our salvation.  Faith is about living with a trust in God.

Christ died to save sinners (1 Tim 1:15), and it is His blood that pays the price for your entrance into heaven (1 Pet 1:18-19).  Because of Christ’s death, your salvation is not dependent upon perfect living, but faith in Him (Eph. 2:8): hearing God’s word (Rom 10:17) and then living by that Word (Jas 2:14-18) to the best of your ability.  Perfection is not a requirement of salvation in Christ – commitment is.  A committed Christian, though he often may fall short of who he wants to be, can be confident in his eternal reward (Pr 24:16).

And Such Were Some Of You...

Saturday, February 09, 2013
I have a friend who says he is gay.  I am not sure, but he says he is saved.  Will God still forgive him while he still desires men?  I know what God says, but I am not sure what to say... help.

Looking For The Words

Dear Looking For The Words,

There is nothing you can tell your friend other than what the Scriptures say.  Homosexuality is completely incompatible with Christianity.  It is impossible to be actively engaged in a homosexual lifestyle and be saved (1 Cor 6:9-11).  Homosexuality is condemned as a sin of vile passion (Rom 1:26-27).  Your friend has the ability, as all of us do, to do what is right even when we don’t feel like it.  He may feel attracted to people of the same gender, but he must make a choice not to act upon it.  The Scriptures warn of the fate that awaits those who will not turn from this sin (Jude 1:7).  If your friend believes that it is okay to live that sort of lifestyle, all you can do is show him the Scriptures, and then he must decide whether he will accept what God says.

Putting In A Good Word

Friday, February 08, 2013
If I have denied God to someone, and I am a christian, does it mean I will not spend everlasting life in heaven?

Mum’s The Word

Dear Mum’s The Word,

A single act of denial will not condemn you to hell, but a lifestyle of denying Christ will.  Christ warns against being someone who will not confess His name before mankind (Matt 10:32-33).  Christ teaches us to be courageous and not timid with our faith (2 Tim 1:7).  Peter denied Christ three times (Lk 22:34) in a single night, but Peter also later repented and changed his ways (Matt 26:75).  It was a sin for you to deny God.  Repent of that sin, chart a new course of brave faith, and seek God’s forgiveness (Jas 5:15).  If you draw near to God, He will faithfully draw near to you (Jas 4:8).

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