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We're Listening

Saturday, July 27, 2013
Not really a question, but a statement about myself.  I don't know if I'm ready to be saved.  I have so many resentment and anger issues that I feel like aggression and hatred are the only things that fuel me.  I often thought of killing myself for many years.  I have asked for God's help before and have been desperately yearning for someone who cared enough about me to teach me, but I have received no answer, no one.  I guess everyone must think that my life is not worthy of their counsel, either that or these so-called "good people" are just a bunch of liars and charlatans.

I believe if I become saved, I won’t be used to the best of my abilities; I'll be put in a mediocre position and never get to go as deep spiritually as I need to and long for.  I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this since I have done this on other sites before and didn't get a response, but if anyone does see this, AT LEAST consider my situation for a split second.

Ready For Salvation?

Dear Ready For Salvation,

We would LOVE to put you in contact with a local preacher in your area who would be more than willing to teach you.  Just e-mail us at, and we will get a class set up for you.  If, and when, you become a christian, your level of growth will be up to you.  Php 2:12 says that we must all work out our own salvation – you can grow and be involved as a christian as much as you are willing to work.  Everyone comes to Christ with baggage and a history, but the key is to not let the past define you.  Let the Bible define you (Lk 6:47-49).  We can’t speak to your past experiences, but we can certainly give you an option for the future.  Let us help you to start studying now.  Let today be your day of salvation (2 Cor 6:2).  We responded to your call for help.  Now it is your turn to respond!

Going Backward, Moving Forward

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Hello.  First off, I'm seventeen and was raised Episcopal.  Just until recently, about eight months ago, I lost my faith.  I began challenging the Lord and His true existence.  I experimented in other religions.  I am ashamed to say that in my teenage angst and anger, I looked into Satanism and Nihilism.  I am ashamed to say that I have denied my belief in the Lord and Jesus Christ to many people who have asked me if I hold faith.  I have sinned greatly in various ways.

Now, as I am preparing to move out, possibly join the military, and become more independent – I wish for the Lord to enter my life once again.  The problem is that I feel that I am not worthy, and the Lord has already damned me to hell.  I have never cursed the Holy Spirit, but I still think that if the Lord were smart enough, He would have abandoned me already.  So my question is: am I far from salvation and redemption?  Is there ever a way that I can have God back on my side and His love in my heart?  I want Him to hear my prayers and hear my praises.

Seeking His Love

Dear Seeking His Love,

God doesn’t desire anyone to perish in hell.  Jesus came to die for the sins of the whole world (Jhn 3:16).  God specifically says that if someone returns from their wicked ways, He will forgive them (Ezek 18:21-23).  We return to God through faith in His Son and repentance of our old lives (Acts 20:21).  Take the enthusiasm that you regret spending on Satanism, Nihilism, etc. and apply it to following every word of the Bible (Rom 10:17).  Christianity is about more than just calling upon the Lord (Matt 7:21-23); it is about letting His Word guide our lives.  If you are a part of a congregation that is devoted to Bible loyalty (1 Tim 3:15 – not all congregations are faithful to the Bible; we would be happy to help you find a church in your area), and you have done what the Bible says you must do to be saved (read “What Must I Do To Be Saved” for specifics on that subject), then you will be able to comfortably say that God hears your prayers, and your sins are forgiven.

The Start Of A New Life

Thursday, July 18, 2013
I want to be baptized.  I don't belong to a particular church, and I would like to have a good friend of mine – a believer who has already been baptized – perform this for me.

What does he need to do to prepare himself for this?  I have tried to research this on the internet, but I haven't been able to find any kind of answer.  The only thing I can find is what I would need to do to prepare myself.

Any answer you can give me would help tremendously.  Thanks so much.

Ready For Water

Dear Ready For Water,

Baptism is the beginning of a new life and the most important journey of faith you will ever take.  Peter says that baptism saves us (1 Pet 3:21); he also says that we begin our lives as christian babes (1 Pet 2:2).  All you really need to know to be baptized is that it is a requirement for salvation; it only counts if it is a burial in water (not sprinkling, pouring, etc. – only immersion counts – Rom 6:3-4), and that you need to continue to grow in faith afterwards (Rom 10:17).

As for your friend that is planning on baptizing you, their job is very simple.  He should fully immerse you in water and ask you whether or not you are doing it because of faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 8:36-38).  There really isn’t any more to it.

It is a wonderful thing that you are seeking to do, and we wish you the very best.  It is important that you attach yourself to a faithful congregation, so you can grow (Heb 10:24-25), and we would be happy to help you find one in your area that teaches nothing but the Bible.  E-mail us at, and we will try and locate one near you.

Earning Heaven

Tuesday, July 16, 2013
I'm worried.  I don't go to church.  I don't pray.  I do good deeds, and I try to live right, but my friends keep saying I am gonna go to hell because I believe in evolution and the Big Bang.  Will I end up in hell?

Good Enough?

Dear Good Enough,

Though evolution and the Big Bang are worthwhile issues, they aren’t the core values that impact our eternity – Jesus is.  Jesus made a radical claim when He walked this earth; He claimed that sin had created a giant rift between mankind and God (Rom 6:23) and that He had come to heal that rift (Jhn 3:16).  Either Jesus is telling the truth, and He is the only way to receive reconciliation with God in order that we may go to heaven (Jhn 14:6), or Jesus was a liar and should be disregarded like all other crazy people.

The validity of Jesus’ claims stand or fall on the authenticity of Bible.  If God wrote the Bible, then Jesus is the only way to heaven, and all His teachings must become our roadmap to life.  We here at AYP believe that the evidence very clearly points toward the Bible being divinely inspired and unique among literature.  Read the article “Who Wrote The Bible?” for our favorite evidence that the Bible is God’s Word.

It is a sign of your character that you are anxious and worried about this issue.  Where we will spend eternity is the most important question we have to answer in this life.  We believe Jesus is God’s Son and that He is the redeemer of our souls when we put our faith in Him (1 Pet 1:9).  If after seeing the evidence we present on this site (and if you have more questions, please continue to ask them), you agree that the Bible is God’s Word – then praying, attending a faithful church (we can help you find one – not all churches follow the Bible), and all the other details of behavior fall into line.  We aren’t saved by doing good deeds; we are saved by faith in Jesus… good deeds are just part of a living and obedient faith (Jas 2:17-18).

If you have further questions about what it takes to be saved, the Bible, Jesus, or any other spiritual concerns, do not hesitate to e-mail us at

Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow

Monday, July 15, 2013
Can you explain how we have forgiveness for past, present, and future sins – must every sin be confessed?

Something On My Chest

Dear Something On My Chest,

We receive forgiveness for all past and present sins by becoming christians (Acts 22:16).  Baptism saves the lost person from their burden of sins (1 Pet 3:21).  After we become christians, God asks us to continue to grow (1 Pet 2:2).  After baptism, all future sins are dealt with by confession (1 Jn 1:9) and repentance (Acts 8:22).  1 Jn 1:9 says that God cleanses christians from all unrighteousness when they live repentant, faithful lives.  The word ‘cleanse’ literally means ‘continually cleanse’ in the Greek.  As we live faithfully through God’s Word (Rom 10:17), we are continually cleansed and freed from our sins as we confess them and repent of them.

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