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Get With The Plan

Thursday, January 16, 2014
What is the biblical plan of salvation?


Dear Confused,

God’s plan for our salvation is a very straightforward process that can be logically seen and understood through the Bible.

  1. Hear the Gospel and recognize your need for salvation.  The Bible tells us “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23).  The vast majority of people live life without considering their eternal condition.  Unless we are in Christ, we are lost.  Jesus is the only way to get to heaven (Jhn 14:6), and only when we have faith in Him are we saved (Acts 4:12).  The Bible is God’s good news about Jesus, and it is impossible to know how to be saved without knowing what the Bible says.
  2. You must believe what the Bible says.  It is impossible to please God without placing your faith in Him (Heb 11:6).  It is impossible to have faith without the Scriptures (Rom 10:17).  Faith alone won’t save you (Jas 2:22-26), but faith in God needs to be what directs your choices.
  3. Repent of your sins. ‘Repent’ means to ‘change your mind’. That change of mind always involves a change of action as well. Repentance is when we change our mind about what is important and submit ourselves to Jesus and His Word. Repentance is a necessity of salvation (Mk 6:12, Lk 13:5, Lk 15:7).
  4. Confess Jesus to others. If we have sworn our allegiance to Jesus, we must be prepared to publicly confess Him as our Lord. If we won’t confess Jesus before men, He won’t confess us before God (Matt 10:32-33, Lk 12:8-9).
  5. Be baptized in the name of Jesus for salvation. Many groups baptize people, but very few baptize people for the right reasons. Baptism isn’t merely an “outward showing of an inward faith” or “for membership”. Baptism is what saves us (1 Pet 3:21). Baptism is the point where someone goes from being lost to saved because they are buried and resurrected with Christ (Rom 6:4-5). Baptism is the final requirement to become a christian (Acts 2:37-38, Mk 16:16, Acts 2:41). There is not a single example of someone becoming a christian without baptism. Baptism is just as necessary as the other four requirements.

After that, there remains nothing else but to find a faithful congregation to assemble with (Heb 10:24) that teaches God’s Word and God’s Word only (see “Finding a Church” for more details) and to continue to grow in knowledge and practice of God’s Word (1 Pet 2:2).

Curing The Worst Ill

Saturday, January 11, 2014
When we have repented and are forgiven of our sins, the Word says the Father holds nothing against us and remembers our sins no more.  How come the curse still remains that Jesus absorbed and sickness, disease, and illness are still present from past sin; wasn't His blood shed for forgiveness, and on the whipping post His stripes freed us from illness and sickness and such?  Help me understand.  Thanks.  God bless.


Dear No HMO,

Jesus’ blood covers the spiritual consequences of sin, but the physical consequences of sin still exist here on Earth.  Jesus’ sacrifice paved the way for mankind to stand before God and enter His holy presence (Heb 10:17-20).  Jesus reconciled faithful people with God through the cross (Col 1:19-20).  The spiritual consequence of sin (eternal spiritual death – Rom 6:23) has been nailed to the cross (Col 2:14).  However, the physical consequences of sin remain as a curse upon this world.  Sin still destroys lives, hurts others, has cursed this world with diseases, and has rippling consequences on a global scale.  Jesus gives us hope that endures to the next life, so we can persevere through the trials of this one (Heb 6:18-20).

No Turning Back

Friday, January 10, 2014
Can someone be saved when they commit suicide?

Mortal Curiosity

Dear Mortal Curiosity,

Suicide certainly is condemned.  Suicide is murder, self-murder, and is therefore very clearly a sin (Rev 21:8).  The only difference between suicide and murdering someone else is that you don’t get a chance to repent after suicide.  Suicide is a final decision and leaves no room for correction or for asking forgiveness.  It is a willful act of disobedience against God without opportunity for repentance.  The final judgment belongs to God (Heb 12:23), but we certainly wouldn’t want to face that judgment with our own blood on our hands.

A Baptized Condition

Saturday, December 28, 2013
Why does the Bible say in numerous passages to repent and be baptized to be washed of sins... but PEOPLE say just believe, and everything is all right?

Where’s The Water?

Dear Where’s The Water,

Because people are wrong and haven’t been taught the whole Bible.  Belief is a necessary part of the salvation process, but it isn’t the only part.  Even the demons believe in God (Jas 2:19).  God clearly says that baptism is the final step to being saved.  After believing in God (Jhn 20:31), confessing Jesus as Savior (Matt 10:32-33), and repenting of your sins (Lk 15:7), you need to be baptized to be saved (1 Pet 3:21).  Baptism is what removes your sins and gives you the gift of salvation (Acts 2:38).  We are added to the church when we are baptized (Acts 2:41), and our sins are buried when we are baptized (Rom 6:4-5).  Many churches don’t preach the necessity of baptism because baptism is a “work” or condition upon salvation.  The truth is that God does put conditions upon salvation, and that is why only those who turn and obey Him will be saved (Heb 5:9).

Five Steps To Salvation

Friday, December 20, 2013
How do I get saved?

Throw Me A Life Saver

Dear Throw Me A Life Saver,

The Bible outlines five things you must do to become a christian. The question, “What must I do to be saved?” is the most important question any human can ever ask. Plenty of groups will pick and choose what they want to focus on. Many groups say that all you must do is “believe in your heart” and you will be saved – unfortunately, this is cherry-picking out one requirement and leaving the rest behind. We must always remember that the sum of God’s Word provides the truth (Ps 119:160). Belief is obviously an important element to salvation, but it is not the only condition. The Bible outlines five separate requirements for salvation, and all of them are necessary.

  1. Hear the Word. Faith comes through hearing, and hearing comes through the Word of God (Rom 10:17). Until someone hears God’s Word, they are incapable of obeying it.
  2. Believe the Word. It is impossible for someone to become a christian unless they believe that Jesus is the Savior and Son of God (Jhn 20:31, Acts 16:31, Jhn 3:16).
  3. Repent of your sins. ‘Repent’ means to ‘change your mind’. That change of mind always involves a change of action as well. Repentance is when we change our mind about what is important and submit ourselves to Jesus and His Word. Repentance is a necessity of salvation (Mk 6:12, Lk 13:5, Lk 15:7).
  4. Confess Jesus to others. If we have sworn our allegiance to Jesus, we must be prepared to publicly confess Him as our Lord. If we won’t confess Jesus before men, He won’t confess us before God (Matt 10:32-33, Lk 12:8-9).
  5. Be baptized in the name of Jesus for salvation. Many groups baptize people, but very few baptize people for the right reasons. Baptism isn’t merely an “outward showing of an inward faith” or “for membership”. Baptism is what saves us (1 Pet 3:21). Baptism is the point where someone goes from being lost to saved because they are buried and resurrected with Christ (Rom 6:4-5). Baptism is the final requirement to become a christian (Acts 2:37-38, Mk 16:16, Acts 2:41). There is not a single example of someone becoming a christian without baptism. Baptism is just as necessary as the other four requirements.

After that, there remains nothing else but to find a faithful congregation to assemble with (Heb 10:24) that teaches God’s Word and God’s Word only (see “Finding a Church” for more details) and to continue to grow in knowledge and practice of God’s Word (1 Pet 2:2).  If you would like help finding a faithful church in your area – simply e-mail us at and we would be happy to help you locate one.

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