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Thirty Years Old
Tuesday, December 31, 2019At what age was Jesus baptized?Sincerely,
Water Wonderer
Dear Water Wonderer,
Jesus was baptized right before He began preaching. In Luke 3:21-22, we see that Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Luke 3:23 says that Jesus was about thirty years old when He was baptized and started preaching.
No Shortcuts
Monday, December 30, 2019About the prodigal son in Lk. 15, you said that it is important to God that we all come back, so He can forgive us. But then why can’t all people just be, like, crazy, and in the end of their lives, go to God and ask for forgiveness and all will be fine? What is the argument that keeps someone from doing that?Sincerely,
Last Minute Convert
Dear Last Minute Convert,
The easiest way to answer this question is by referring to Gal 6:7 which says that God can’t be “mocked”. This means that we can’t trick God or fool Him into believing we have changed when we really haven’t. Rom 8:27 says that God searches our hearts, and 1 Jhn 3:20 says that God knows all things. When we come to God for forgiveness, God expects us to not only want forgiveness, but to change our mind about sin. The word ‘repent’ means ‘to change your mind’, and repentance is a requirement for salvation (Acts 2:38). If we attempt to live a sinful life and just “fool” God by asking for forgiveness at the end, it won’t work. God knows whether or not we have truly repented of our sins and are truly sorry for the sins we have committed. It isn’t enough to want forgiveness; you have to hate sin and really believe that you were in the wrong. Our faith in God must be a sincere faith (1 Tim 1:5). If it isn’t sincere, God will know, and He won’t be tricked.
Old School Views
Friday, December 27, 2019In the Old Testament, what did they believe would happen when they died? Did they go to heaven, or was there some other view?Sincerely,
What About Them?
Dear What About Them?,
The faithful of the Old Testament believed in heaven just as much as the faithful in the New Testament do. In Job 14:14, Job stated that when he died, he would change. King David, had a son die in infancy, and David said that he would see his son again on the other side of death (2 Sam 12:23). Heb 11:16 says that the faithful of the Old Testament sought a heavenly country. The Old Testament doesn’t talk a lot about heaven, but it says enough to show us that they believed in it and anxiously awaited it.
Alpha and Omega
Thursday, December 26, 2019Who is God?Sincerely,
Supernatural Questions
Dear Supernatural Questions,
God is the creator of all things, and all things were created for Him, and the world is held together by Him (Col 1:16-17). God is the beginning and the end (Rev 22:13). Because of God, we have dominion over this wonderful creation (Gen 1:26), and all mankind is fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14). From the smallest atom to the highest heaven, all things are the works of His hands.
God is not only our Creator, He sent His Son to be our Savior (Jhn 3:16). Because of God, we have physical life, and because of God, we can have spiritual life through Jesus’ gift on the cross.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019How did the dinosaurs and cavemen come into existence?Sincerely,
Dear Question-asaurus,
Cavemen are simply men that live in caves, and they have existed as long as people have used caves for convenience. Today, there are cavemen in places like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and even in modern China where an estimated 40 million people currently live in cave and pit dwellings. Evolutionists would have you believe that cavemen are some genetically inferior pre-humans, but the evidence doesn’t support that. All current “caveman” bodies found by modern science fit into the category of human or some extinct primate species. The missing link is still missing for a reason.
Now, let’s deal with dinosaurs. The world existed for five days before God made Adam and Eve on day six (Gen 1:27). Aquatic dinosaurs were created on the fifth day (Gen 1:21-23), and land dinosaurs were created on day six (Gen 1:25).
The Bible does mention dinosaur-like animals in Job chapters 40 and 41. If you read the description of the Behemoth and the Leviathan found in those chapters, you should see the similarities between them and the dinosaur fossils that have been found. For further information on dinosaurs, read the posts “Jurassic Parks & Rec” and “DINOSAURS!!!”.