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Thundering Silence

Sunday, September 02, 2012
As a Christian, I refrain from using sinful language.  I ask you, what should I do when the person I love does this?  I do not want to be a “Bible Thumper”, but I do find it very disrespectful not only to me, but to my Savior.  I try to set a Christian example before him, but at times, I feel as though it doesn't help.  Any advice would be very helpful.

Biting My Tongue

Dear Biting My Tongue,

Wives have a unique ability to win their husbands without a word.  1 Pet 3:1-2 says that a wife can often gain her husband and turn him to righteousness as he sees her chaste behavior.  Men are often convinced and converted by the kindness and patience of women.  When a man’s wife/girlfriend/mother behaves morally, even when he isn’t behaving morally, it is as painful as pouring coals of fire upon his head (Rom 12:20-21).  A man’s conscience is burned by a woman’s faithful example.  Feel free to tell him when you are offended by his language, but do it with meekness instead of anger (1 Pet 3:3-4).  Don’t force him to behave as you do… force begets more force, and the average man will fight fire with fire.  Instead, respectfully continue to do the right thing yourself, and you may just find that you will win him over (1 Cor 7:13-16).

Guns & Religion

Saturday, September 01, 2012
     Should worshippers be able to bring guns to church?


Dear Packing,

The Bible has no problem with guns and/or self-protection as long as they are legally carried.  After all, Jesus once asked His own apostles to get swords for the impending trials that were ahead (Lk 22:36-38).  The only Bible restriction upon firearms would be the legal issue.  God specifies that Christians should always seek to obey the laws of the land they are living in (Rom 13:1-2).  As long as it is legal for a Christian to carry a firearm, it isn’t a sin to do so.

Outside The Gate

Saturday, September 01, 2012
In Revelation, it says that murderers, idolaters, people who practice magic arts, and adulterous people will be left outside the gate.  Could you please explain to me that verse?  Because I may be taking it wrong… to me it sounds like that even though I ask for forgiveness, I will still be left outside of the gate. Thank you so much again and may God bless you!

Seeking Grace

Dear Seeking Grace,

You will be left outside the gate unless you are washed in Christ’s blood.  The verse you refer to is Rev. 22:15.  The verse before it (Rev 22:14) references the contrast – those let in will be the ones who have washed their robes.  Everyone has sinned (Rom 3:23) and is dead in those sins, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus (Rom 6:23).  If you are in Christ, you will be allowed into heaven.  So the question is, how do we get into Christ and receive the gift of eternal life?

We are saved by God’s grace, and we receive that grace through faith (Eph 2:8).  Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb 11:6).  Faith is defined as ‘belief to the point of action’.  Imagine a child that climbed a tall tree and got stuck.  The child’s father comes out and says, “Jump down, and I will catch you!”  How do you know if the child has faith in their father?  You know they have faith when they hear what he says and trust the words enough to jump out of the tree into their father’s waiting arms.  Faith comes from hearing God’s Word (Rom 10:17).  The Bible is God’s message to mankind; it is His roadmap for our salvation (Rom 1:16).  When we hear what God says and then act upon those words, we have faith (Jas 2:18).  It is only in our actions that our faith is alive (Jas 2:17).  See our post “What Must I Do To Be Saved” to learn what God says we must do to become christians.  Take the Bible and except no substitute.

Hole In The Head

Friday, August 31, 2012
Is it a sin to pierce your ears for earrings?

An Ear For Wisdom

Dear An Ear For Wisdom,

Pierced ears are perfectly fine as long as they don’t make a man look effeminate (1 Cor 6:9 – see also “A Feminine Touch”) or make anyone look immodest (see “411 On The Bling Bling”).  Pierced ears have been around since at least the days of Moses (Ex 35:22).  God has no problem with pierced ears.  In fact, God uses earrings in the Proverbs, and they are mentioned in a purely positive light (Pr 25:12).  God also mentions earrings in Ezek 16:12 when describing how He clothed Israel in fine garments and jewelry (which included earrings).  Earrings and pierced ears are perfectly all right.

Sketchy Cyclist

Friday, August 31, 2012
     My husband has a guy friend he rides bikes with; he can be a little strange at times, and he scares me.  He hangs out with some people that have bad reps, but my husband looks past that and says I should be nice to him even though he scares me.  Would my heavenly Father want me to do the same?  I am not mean to him or disrespectful; he just scares me with some of the things he has done in the past, but I will do whatever my Father says.


Dear Nervous,

You should always be nice to everyone, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also be safe.  When you say that someone “scares” you, without being given further details, that makes us think there might be a safety issue around this individual.  You know the details; we don’t.

Having said that, there is no reason you can’t be nice.  God says that we should love even our enemies (Lk 6:27).  When Saul was trying to kill David, David didn’t trust him, but David did show him great kindness.  Read 1 Samuel 26’s account of David sparing Saul’s life as an example of showing kindness to even those you can’t trust.  We should do good to all of mankind (Gal 6:10).

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