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Hitting the Books

Saturday, December 13, 2014
     I’m trying to learn to communicate with God.  I know we speak to Him through prayer... so does He speak back to us through the Bible?  When I ask for God’s perfect will on a subject, and I ask Him for confirmation in the Bible, and I open it and read on what He says, is the word that I read a promise?  Thank you for explaining, and God bless!

Looking For Direction

Dear Looking For Direction,

God speaks to us through His Word.  If we want to know God’s desire for our life, we must use the Bible to get our instructions.  Faith comes from the Word (Rom 10:17), and the Bible contains all the information we need for life and godliness (2 Pet 1:3).  If we want to understand what God wants for us, we can find the truth in the sum of His Word (Ps 119:160).  It isn’t as simple as just opening the Bible and putting your finger on a page and looking for a sign; the Bible takes study and effort.
God doesn’t answer our prayers by directly speaking to us, but His Word says that we should pray without doubting (1 Tim 2:8) and that we should ask in faith (Jas 1:6). God says there are very few things that will cause Him to ignore our prayers.  Read “Whose Prayers Count?” for the list of things that will make God turn His back on your prayers.  God never gets tired of hearing from His children.  Christians are to constantly seek Him in prayer.  The most direct example of this is Christ’s parable of the unjust judge in Lk 18:1-5.  Christ taught that parable, so “men ought always to pray and not to grow weary”.  God wants to hear from His people.  So don’t stop asking for help; He is listening.

Kingly Counsel

Thursday, December 11, 2014
     Let’s say there’s a king, a good one, in Israel.  He makes sure the nation is well and obedient.  He would make sure that the Mosaic Law and God’s commandments were followed.  But let’s say there’s something he’s not sure about, like say, something political about how the laws should be enforced.  He would want inquire of a prophet or seer because they’re gifted to divinely talk to God.  Since a prophet serves as a mouthpiece for God, would he provide the king with political advice as well as spiritual?

Reviewing Roles

Dear Reviewing Roles,

The kings of Israel would inquire of God all the time for all sorts of things.  The first king of Israel, Saul, was upset because God would no longer answer his inquiries when Saul started behaving wickedly (1 Sam 28:6).  King David asked for God’s advice even when it came to battle tactics (2 Sam 5:23).  It was commonplace for the righteous kings to ask God for advice in all sorts of spheres.

Who Is Jesus?

Tuesday, December 09, 2014
     I hear people say Jesus is God; I also hear He is God’s Son; then I hear He is both... so who is Jesus besides just our Savior?

Begin At The Beginning

Dear Begin At The Beginning.,

There are three parts to the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  This is most easily seen in Matt 3:16-17.  When Jesus was baptized, the Father spoke from heaven, and the Holy Spirit descended as a dove.  Each of them is eternal (they were all at the creation – Gen. 1:1, Gen. 1:2, Col 1:15-17).  John 1:1 specifically says that Jesus is Deity.  Jesus is different than the Father, but He is part of the Godhead.  Jesus even said that He had always existed (Jhn 8:58).  The apostles worshipped Jesus as God (Jhn 20:28).

Jesus was also God’s son because He was given a physical body by God (Heb 10:5, Matt 1:18).  Jesus also obeyed the Father as a son would obey (Jhn 5:19).  Jesus was also the firstborn Son because He is the firstborn of the church – God’s children (Rom 8:29).  Jesus is completely deity, but He also has a unique role as the only member of the Godhead to have also lived in the flesh (1 Tim 3:16).

Better People

Saturday, December 06, 2014
      I have thought of suicide.  People are just so mean to me, and I don't know what to do.  I am scared.  I am hurt.  I try to ignore all the mean comments, but I can't.  What should I do?


Dear Down,

Suicide isn’t the answer; the answer is to surround yourself with better people.  We remember the days of feeling alone, neglected, and unwanted – but all that changed when we turned to the Bible.  Christians are never alone because we have the Lord as our strength and other Christians to encourage us.  God designed local congregations to build us up (Heb 10:24-25) because He knows that there are many bad influences in the world that try to corrupt us (1 Cor 15:33).  You need a faithful congregation, and we would love to help you find one full of sincere, honest people that love the Lord and love each other.  Please e-mail us at, so we can help you find the godly people you need in life.

Experience Required

Monday, December 01, 2014
      Are our experiences a gift from God to learn about God and give Him the glory?  How does God use us in our life?

Life Lessons

Dear Life Lessons,

If we place our trust in the Lord, everything can be a positive experience – there is a reason we are told to rejoice in the Lord always (Php 4:4).  God tells us that we can even rejoice in tribulations (Rom 5:3) because eventually, if we suffer faithfully, our tribulations produce indestructible hope… a hope that cannot be taken away from us.  God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him (Rom 8:28).  A christian can always say, “I am better for having been through it.”  On the other hand, if we are outside of the Lord, there are no guarantees that things will turn out well… just one more reason to build your life upon the Lord.

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