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Respect For Authority

Saturday, November 29, 2014
My husband stopped going to church with me; I am trying to be a "submissive wife" and do as God commands us. My question is: am I to stop going to church because my husband stopped? And if I go without him, am I being disobedient in God's sight? Please help me. As of right now (three weeks), I have not been to church, and it is crushing my heart!!! I want to serve God and do His will, but all I have to go on is the women in my church telling me that I must stop coming until my husband starts again, and if he doesn't return, I shouldn't either and that I can praise at home. Well, I do that, but I just want to make sure that this is the correct information about this subject. Thank you!

Dear Homebound,

Col 3:18 says that wives are supposed to be in subjection to their husbands “as is fitting in the Lord”, and not going to church definitely isn’t fitting (Heb 10:24-25). Jesus’ authority supersedes all other authorities in the world, including your husband’s (Eph 1:20-22). You are right to try and be submissive but not at the cost of your spiritual health. In the end, you will stand before God all by yourself (Php 2:12). It is wrong to stop attending the church’s meetings, and it is wrong for your husband to tell you not to go. Now is the time to stand your ground and choose godly behavior.

Life Lessons

Thursday, November 27, 2014
     What does the Bible say about someone committing suicide?  Thank you.

Concerned For Consequences

Dear Concerned For Consequences,

Suicide is murder, self-murder, and is therefore very clearly a sin (Rev 21:8). The only difference between suicide and murdering someone else is that you don’t get a chance to repent after suicide. Suicide is a final decision and leaves no room for correction or for asking forgiveness. Therefore, in most cases, it would be fair to say that suicide will send you to hell. It is a willful act of disobedience against God without opportunity for repentance.

We here at AYP only hesitate to say, “All people who commit suicide go to hell,” because God never specifically makes that statement. The final judgment belongs to God (Heb 12:23), but we certainly wouldn’t want to face that judgment with our own blood on our hands.


Sunday, November 23, 2014
How do you cast out demons?

Demon Deterrent

Dear Demon Deterrent,

Evil spirits are real, but they were cast out and their powers greatly reduced by Christ and the apostles.  Demon possession ended not long after the days of Christ.  Jesus made it clear that one of His jobs was to bind the devil and take His strength away by casting out his demons (Matt 12:28-29).  When Jesus’ disciples had come back from their evangelism trips and related to Him that they had cast out many demons, Jesus told them that they were defeating Satan by getting rid of Satan’s demonic minions (Lk 10:17-18).  When Jesus and His disciples cast out demons, they did it permanently (Lk 8:30-33) and bound Satan by their acts.  We no longer have to deal with such overt attacks by the devil because he has been bound by Christ’s sacrifice (Rev. 20:2).  Demon possession no longer exists; the devil must use subtler methods to deceive us now.


Saturday, November 22, 2014
     My ex-girlfriend broke up with me some time ago.  In a way, I feel it was good because she was very worldly and not too into the things of God.  However, I still love her.  It's almost like I can't stop loving her.  For this reason, I have broken off all communication with her in hopes of losing the strong feelings I have for her.  Am I wrong for doing so?  Is it okay for believers to ignore people or shun them out of our lives?

Cold Shoulder

Dear Cold Shoulder,

There is a time when it is appropriate to cut ties with someone.  1 Cor 15:33 says, “Bad company corrupts good morals.”  We are also told that believers shouldn’t yoke their lives to unbelievers (2 Cor 6:14).  It takes wisdom when to decide your life is getting too intertwined with someone who is worldly.  God tells us that we should be in the world but not of the world (1 Cor 5:10).  From what you have said, your case seems like a perfect example of the right time to distance yourself from someone.

Insider Knowledge

Saturday, November 22, 2014
      Can God hear me even when I’m not praying?

Cone Of Silence

Dear Cone Of Silence,

Jer 17:10 and Rom 8:27 say that God searches our minds and hearts.  God knows what you are thinking.  However, God still tells us that He wants us to pray to Him (1 Thess 5:17).  Just like a parent may know what their children want before they ask, they still want to hear them articulate themselves.  God knows our minds but wants us to take the time to ask of Him and express our thanks (Col 4:2).

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