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Am I Alone In Here?

Sunday, November 04, 2012
Does the devil know what you’re thinking?

Mind Games

Dear Mind Games,

Only God knows all the thoughts and intents of the heart (1 Chr 28:9).  If the devil knew all the thoughts of man, he wouldn’t have even wasted time tempting Jesus (Matt 4:1).  We do know that there are times when the devil has placed thoughts into the minds of men (Jhn 13:2).  However, that isn’t the same as seeing into our minds.  Introducing an idea into someone’s mind is very different from controlling them or seeing the deepest intents of their heart.  The devil doesn’t have that kind of power.  He is certainly clever and wickedly capable (1 Pet 5:8), but he isn’t omniscient.

Don't Give Up

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I'm going through a pretty rough time right now, and I'm seriously considering taking my life.  My mental conditions have gotten too much for me... hence, my questions: what happens to you when you commit suicide?  Does God send you to Hell because you try for relief?  And part two: when I was a teen, I kinda lost it and cursed God’s name.  I know that was wrong, and I am very sorry.  Can I still be forgiven?  Or is that unforgivable?  Thank you for considering my question and for helping so many others.

Without Hope

Dear Without Hope,

Suicide is murder.  Your question is akin to asking, “Would God send me to hell for murder?”  No matter the reasoning behind self-murder, it is still wrong.  No matter what your situation is – and we believe you when you say it is extremely rough right now – God is faithful, and He can see you through it (1 Cor 1:9).  There is always a way of escape available, even in the most difficult situation (1 Cor 10:13).  We may not always know how to move forward, but there is a way.  Jesus came to give us hope (Matt 12:21).  There is always hope as long as there is still breath in your body.

As far as your previous sin of cursing God, you can be forgiven.  The apostle Paul cursed God and blasphemed, and yet, God forgave him (1 Tim 1:13-15).  No sin is so great that you can’t start over.  We recommend you read “What Must I Do To Be Saved” and find a faithful congregation in your area to start a new life of hope with.  E-mail us at, and we will happily help get you in contact with a sound, Biblical congregation in your area.

I Keep Trying To Quit

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I am doing things right in my life, but I smoke.  I want to stop; I try.  I pray about it.  I try programs, but I cannot seem to stop.  Any ideas?

Cigarette Cycle

Dear Cigarette Cycle,

Our primary focus at AYP is to address Bible questions, and therefore, we will try our best to give you direct Bible answers on how to quit smoking.  There are plenty of websites and resources that can give you more specific support as you quit smoking.  The truth is, we are probably not the best resource in this scenario.  We will stick directly to the best verses that apply.  God tells us several different things that we can do to quit a bad habit.

  1. Don’t give up.  A righteous man falls, but he keeps getting back up (Pr 24:16).  A failure doesn’t become permanent until you let it.  Keep trying.
  2. Admit your problem openly.  Confessing our sins to others has an immense impact upon us (Jas 5:16).
  3. Get help from others.  Trying to do things alone, especially when we’ve failed before, is just too hard.  We are stronger when we enlist the help of friends and family (Eccl 4:9-12).
  4. Replace the bad habit with a good habit.  It isn’t enough to simply stop something; that void must be filled with something else (Lk 11:24-26).
  5. Make big and drastic choices if necessary.  Throw out all your cigarettes, give your spouse control of the finances, tell your kids to check your pockets when you come home, etc.  It may seem over the top – but sometimes, over the top is what needs to be done.  If it helps you remove the addiction, then it will be worth it (Matt 5:29).

Furthermore, continue to pray about it (as you said you have been doing); some bad habits take longer to break than others.  God says that any temptation can be overcome (1 Cor 10:13).  You can do it, but have peace while you are still trying.  We are all works in progress (1 Jn 1:9).

...Nothing But The Truth

Monday, October 15, 2012
My question is concerning two aspects of our court system in the United States. The first is that I feel that I would not feel right about being asked to participate on a jury in a death-penalty eligible case.  Wouldn't this be opposed to the teachings of Matthew 7:1-2, or is it okay when this is the law as established by our government?  And secondly, I would not feel comfortable "swearing in" as it seems to contradict what we are told in James 5:12.  Is this wrong, and if so, what happens if you refuse to be sworn in due to your religious beliefs?

Jury Pool

Dear Jury Pool,

Let’s address the death penalty case first.  God has given the government the authority to issue capital punishment upon criminals.  God told Israel to stone wicked people in certain circumstances (Lev 20:27).  Paul says that God gives governments “the sword”; they are a minister of God and an avenger of wrath to those that do evil (Rom 13:4).  When you are a juror, you are functioning as a part of the government, and therefore, have every right to cast your vote accordingly.

The second part of your question deals with taking oaths and “swearing in” at a court hearing.  When James says not to swear (Jas 5:12), he is reiterating what Christ said (Matt 5:36-37).  These verses are addressing a specific problem with people swearing frivolous and only considering their words binding if they are part of an official oath.  The Pharisees and scribes had become experts at finding loopholes to avoid the responsibilities of keeping their word (Matt 23:16-22).  It isn’t the taking of an oath that is the problem – but when we consider an oath as different from a normal promise.  Even God took an oath (Heb 6:13).  The book of Hebrews uses oath-keeping as a positive example (Heb 6:16).  Paul called upon God as his witness (1 Cor 1:23).  Jesus responded immediately when asked to take an oath that He was the Christ (Matt 26:63-64).  Jesus’ teaching on oaths is that whether formal or informal, our ‘yes’ should be ‘yes’ (Matt 5:37).

Burning Brain Cells

Thursday, October 04, 2012
Is consuming herb, also called ‘marijuana’, a sin?  I refer to Gen 1 on the third day.

Not Basil & Chives

Dear Not Basil & Chives,

Yes, consuming marijuana for “recreational” purposes is wrong.  Yes, God created every green herb on day three (Gen 1:11-13), but He didn’t create them to be used inappropriately.  God condemns drunkenness and insobriety (Rom 13:13, 1 Cor 6:10).  If any drug, including marijuana, is used to create a state of drunkenness – then, yes, it is a sin.

God created everything in this world for our good, and He created us for good works (Eph 2:10).  Abusing the plants and herbs that God has blessed this world with harms us and is a sin.  When we don’t treat our bodies with respect, we harm ourselves as well as displeasing God (1 Cor 6:19-20).  Glorify God in your body and stay free of the damaging effects of drugs.

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