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Dangerous Hearts

Monday, April 10, 2017

(This question is a follow-up to “Dangerous Minds”)

A while back, I wrote to you and told you about a problem I was having repeating bad things against God in my head.  It went away for a while, and now it has gotten worse.  I got paranoid that I had blasphemed the Holy Spirit, and I started to look up on the internet what it meant.  I became obsessed with it, and it seemed like I was on the computer everyday.  There were people on there that were saying good things and horrible things about it.  My problem is that I repeated those things in my mind, and the Bible says there is no forgiveness for that.  I did so much that now I am paranoid to even yawn because I am afraid that the words I am speaking in my head will come out of my mouth.  I have never said any of these things out loud or whispered them or anything like that.  I am worried because a couple of times I did have my mouth open, like while I was yawning or something, and in my head, I said the words.  I have asked God over and over for forgiveness, and I talked to other christians about this, including a couple of pastors, and they have all told me that I have not committed this, and I am forgiven because I asked God to.  My problem is I can't feel forgiven within myself.  I do not believe the things I said in my head, and I don't want God to send me to hell.  Can you help me?


Dear Paranoid,

The problem isn’t with whether or not you can be forgiven – the problem is that you don’t feel forgiven.  The two issues are very different.  You already agreed that many people have told you that what you have been doing isn’t the sin against the Holy Spirit (read “The Unpardonable Sin” to see what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit really is).  There are times when our head and our heart aren’t on the same page.  Guilt can drive someone crazy if they don’t learn to keep things in proper perspective.  God says that your heart can be wrong.  You feel that you can’t be forgiven, but the Bible says you can.  It is very similar to the problem that the apostle Paul faced.  Paul had murdered christians and felt that he was the worst of the worst, but he learned that Jesus would forgive him (1 Tim 1:15-16).

The apostle John said it best, “By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before Him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows everything.” (1 Jhn 3:19-20).  Your act of faith is going to be letting go of your fears and trusting that living by God’s Word is what matters (Rom 10:17).  Sometimes, our feelings can be fickle and wrong, and we’ve got to ignore them until time and life change them.

The Spirit Of God

Thursday, March 30, 2017
Who is the Holy Spirit?

Not Good With Faces

Dear Not Good With Faces,

The Holy Spirit is deity.  He was there at the creation of the world (Gen 1:2).  Acts 5:3-4 makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is synonymous with God.  The Holy Spirit is as close to God as your spirit is to you (1 Cor 2:10-11).  The Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead – alongside with Jesus and the Father (Matt 3:16-17).

Spotting A Counterfeit

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Is Jesus real?


Dear McCoy,

Absolutely!  Jesus is real, and the Bible accounts of Him are also real.  There are historical accounts of Jesus by an ancient writer named Josephus that attest to Jesus’ existence.  Archaeological evidence of the church dates back to the first century… within a couple generations of when Jesus lived.  This archaeological data is very important because it confirms that the message of Christ spread during a time in history when people could confirm His empty tomb, His miracles, and His hometown history.  In short, if Jesus was a fake, the people of that time period would have stopped a false legend from spreading… but the opposite was true.  Jesus’ church and message spread because the story was true and couldn’t be refuted.  For more information on this topic, we highly recommend the book A Case For Christ by Lee Strobel.

The Just Justifier

Tuesday, March 21, 2017
I am a saved christian.  My question is: why did Jesus "have" to die on the cross for our sins?  I know that He did.  I also know that God does not have to abide by any formality or rules.  He could have given us salvation without the shedding of Jesus' blood if He wanted to.  Is it that He sent His only begotten Son to be sacrificed, just so we could see the love He has for us?  I must admit, I feel His love because He did send His Son to die for me.

Pondering The Sacrifice

Dear Pondering The Sacrifice,

God sent Jesus to die on the cross, so He could be both a just God and a loving God.  If God had simply forgiven us of our sins without paying for them, He would be a liar because God says that sin is deserving of eternal death (Rom 6:23).  It wouldn’t be right for Him to simply remove our guilt without paying for it.  It would be akin to a judge letting people go free simply because he liked them – a judge like that would be corrupt.

Instead, we see that God is both just and our justifier.  Jesus’ blood pays the price of our sin (1 Jn 1:7).  There are two ways to pay for sin.  We can pay for the sin ourselves by spending eternity in hell, or God’s blood can cover the cost of sin.  The Son of God came down and gave Himself to purchase us (Acts 20:28).  Rom 3:25-26 says that God sent Jesus, so He could show that He was loving and still righteous.

Mended And Whole

Thursday, March 16, 2017
How can there be no pain in heaven if some of our loved ones might not make it there with us?

Love From A Distance

Dear Love From A Distance,

There will be no pain in heaven because God will heal us.  Heaven is a place where we show up with tears, and God wipes them away (Rev 21:4).  There will be a great deal of pain that we bring with us to the feet of our Maker, but He is the Great Physician (Mk 2:17).  We here at AYP have no idea how God will heal every wound and sorrow in heaven, but we also don’t know how skilled doctors repair hearts and arteries.  If a surgeon on this earth can repair my body and make it whole, certainly God is capable of repairing our hearts and souls.

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