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Would A Loving God Do That?

Tuesday, March 01, 2016
The Bible tells us many times that God loves us.  So my question is: how could a God that loves us so much condemn anyone to eternal suffering in hell?  I believe that the vast majority of the world would say, "no" if you asked them if they are a christian.  By what the Bible tells us, that would mean that most people will go to hell.  It is very difficult for me to believe in a loving, caring God under those circumstances.  The parable of the sheep and goats is an even further discouragement.  Please help me out.

That Fire Is Hot

Dear That Fire Is Hot,

God doesn’t condemn us to hell; He offers to save us from ourselves.  When God designed mankind, He made us in His image (Gen 1:26).  One result of that design is that all humans have eternal souls.  That is a positive thing.  God intended for Adam & Eve to never die and to always enjoy the blessings of fellowship with God in the garden (Gen 2:8).  Eden was a perfect situation, and it was our sin that destroyed that perfection.  Mankind sinned, and that sin causes us to die (Rom 6:23).  God gives us the freedom to choose to live or choose to sin; the fact that we all choose to sin is not His fault (Rom 5:12).  Heaven is a perfect place, and if God allowed sinful people into heaven, it would cease to be perfect.  Our actions and choices have condemned us.

God, however, wishes to save us from ourselves.  He sent His only begotten Son to die for our sins (Jhn 3:16).  He provided us with the Bible, which shows us the path to receive salvation (Rom 10:17, Rom 1:16).  We should not blame God for those who go to hell any more than we should blame a doctor when his patient refuses to take their medication.  It is true that many people will go to hell (Matt 7:13), but God doesn’t desire that any should perish (Ezek 18:23).  God sent us a Savior in Jesus Christ, even though we didn’t deserve it (1 Jn 4:14).

Death Of A Salesman

Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Is it possible to sell your soul to God; if so, can you sell or bet it to the devil?  I know it’s not in the Bible, but I feel that maybe He left it out of the Bible because it wouldn’t help anyone by knowing, or maybe it would make peoples’ lives worse who worried they had sold it and cause them to commit suicide or turn against God (not that I would ever do any of those things).  Could you please help and be honest?  Also, provide Biblical evidence.

Money Talks

Dear Money Talks,

You provided the Bible evidence all on your own.  You said, “I know it’s not in the Bible…”  The Bible contains all the information we need for salvation (Rom 1:16).  It also contains everything that pertains to “life and godliness” (2 Pet 1:3).  The ability to sell your soul would definitely be classified under a “life issue”!  Therefore, if the Bible doesn’t say you can, then it must not be possible.  The Bible is the handbook to life, and it provides all the answers for how to conduct yourself in this life and prepare yourself for the next.

In fact, it would be impossible to sell something that you had already killed.  We have all sinned (Rom 3:23), and the price of sin is spiritual death (Rom 6:23).  You can’t sell a dead soul; you can only beg for God’s mercy that He would bless you with life.  The moment you’ve sinned, the devil already has your soul; he roams around devouring them all the time (1 Pet 5:8).  It is only through the grace and gift of God that we gain salvation (Rom 5:15).  You cannot sell your soul to God, but He can, and is ready to, give your soul life again through Jesus.  Read “What Must I Do To Be Saved” to understand how to take advantage of the gift Christ offered all mankind (Jhn 3:16).

Choose, You Must

Monday, February 08, 2016
My parents are great christians.  I've been raised in a happy home.  I'm not a christian yet.  How do I figure out if this sort of a commitment is right for me?  The thought of breaking my parents' hearts is almost too much to bear, but I need to be able to make this my own.  I feel like I should already have made this decision; I'm not a kid anymore.  What part of the Bible can I read, so that everything clicks?

Under My Own Burden

Dear Under My Own Burden,

You know the commitment is right for you if you are unable to live with the consequences of not making the commitment to God.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Pr 1:7).  We often forget that not choosing to become a christian is a choice, too.  We either serve God, or we serve something else; we cannot have two masters (Matt 6:24).  The consequence of obeying God’s Word is salvation and life (Rom 1:16).  The consequence of not serving God is death (Rom 6:23).

There is no magic trick or single verse that makes Christianity “click” for us.  Commitment happens when we weigh the benefits of Christ against the “benefits” of serving ourselves.  After you have counted the cost (Lk 14:28) of service and the cost of not serving, you can make your decision.  Just remember, indecision eventually becomes a decision as well.  Lukewarm is as bad, if not worse, than outright disobedience (Rev 3:16).  We will all eventually die and face the judgment (Heb 9:27).  Will you have lived and prepared for that day?

A Simple Start

Friday, January 29, 2016
I'm old enough to get baptized, and I've been raised in a household that really emphasizes Bible knowledge.  I want to get baptized... I feel like I should have a while ago.  Here's my hang-up: even though I know a lot of Bible facts, I don't feel like I know enough to be a christian.  I can't explain most of the Bible to my friends yet.  What type of christian would that be?!  I feel ashamed and frustrated and kind of stupid.

Not Enough Knowledge

Dear Not Enough Knowledge,

To become a christian, you only need to know two things:

  1. What it takes to become a christian.  Feel free to read the post “What Must I Do To Be Saved?”.
  2. That the Bible will be your only guide for the rest of your life (Rom 1:16).

As you read through the New Testament, you see many conversions that occurred with only this knowledge.  The Ethiopian eunuch became a christian after only a chariot ride Bible study (Acts 8:38).  The Philippian jailer obeyed the gospel after only one evening of study (Acts 16:31-33).  Three thousand people became christians after only one sermon (Acts 2:38-41).

When we first become christians, we are only babies (1 Cor 3:1).  It is only after time and practice that we become mature and full-grown adult christians (Heb 5:14).  If you are prepared to learn and grow in God’s Word, that is enough.  Get baptized, become a christian, and begin your journey.

Mourning Without Hope

Thursday, January 28, 2016
I lost a friend who is not a Christian.  I know they weren't saved and they won’t be in heaven, but is there anything the Bible says that can bring any comfort?

Grieving The Lost

Dear Grieving The Lost,

The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is, at times, almost unbearable.  That pain can be amplified when we do not have hope of someday seeing that person in heaven.

God says that He finds no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezek 33:11).  That tells you that God will not send anyone to hell by accident, spite, or malicious intent.  Anyone who ends up in hell really, truly belongs there.  When your friend faces God on the Day of Judgment, God will make the right decision concerning their fate.  There is some comfort in knowing that God will not make any mistakes.

God has a deeper, more complete understanding of eternity than you or I do.  He is completely loving (1 Jn 4:8).  If your friend goes to hell, it will be because the most loving and wise God of all creation knew that was where they chose to be.

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