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Salvation - The Only Gift That Matters

Monday, January 04, 2016
I am so confused; I heard you have to speak in tongues to be saved.  I have not spoken in tongues that I know of, and I know I have the Holy Spirit in me because I feel Him in my heart.  Why is it that some preachers say you must speak in tongues and some say you don't?  Here is a scripture I am confused about also – Mark16:17: “And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.”  Is this telling me I am not saved since I have not spoken in tongues?



Dear Speechless,

You do not have to speak in tongues to be saved.  The Ethiopian eunuch didn’t speak in tongues, and he was saved (Acts 8:36-39).  The Philippian jailer didn’t speak in tongues, and he was saved (Acts 16:31-34).  Paul taught that only some had the gift of tongues (1 Cor 12:28-31).  Any preacher that teaches that you have to speak in tongues to be saved has missed some very basic Bible verses.  They have an agenda and are deserving of condemnation as false teachers who proclaim something other than the Gospel (Gal 1:8-9).

Furthermore, miraculous gifts are no longer present in the church.  They are no longer needed because we have the complete and perfect Word of God (1 Cor 13:8-10).  For further details on this, read “Speaking in Tongues”, “The Lost Art of Prophecy”, and “Spoken Like A True Friend”.

Mark 16:17 is not referring to all christians, but instead it is referring to the “signs that would accompany” Christianity.  As the gospel first spread, God used miracles to attest to the authenticity of the apostles’ claims that Jesus was the Son of God (Mk 16:20).  These signs and wonders were God’s way of supernaturally bearing witness to the preaching (Heb 2:2-4).  Miracles do not make you a christian; obedience to the will of God does (Rom 12:2).  Read “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” to understand, verse-by-verse, what it takes to become a christian.  Do not accept anything but the Scriptures.  Only God’s Word holds the answers to our salvation (Rom 1:16).

Astonishing Grace

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Sometimes I feel like asking for forgiveness is too easy.  When I think about all the sins I commit in a week, I feel awful and can't comprehend that if I just ask for them to be forgiven, they will be, and then I'm stuck with this feeling that I'm not really forgiven.  I do truly feel sorry for what I've done, but is it supposed to be this easy?


Apology Accepted?

Dear Apology Accepted?,

Trusting in the Lord is hardest when He offers something more spectacular than we deserve.  Heaven is hard to visualize because it is so wonderful, and forgiveness is hard to appreciate because it is so gracious.  You must remember that God provides forgiveness as a gift (Rom 6:23); it has nothing to do with whether you deserve it.  God tells us that He is eager to forgive us (Ps 86:5).  Forgiveness is His gift to give, and He may give it as freely as He wishes.

God’s forgiveness can be compared to the forgiveness a parent offers their children (after all He is called our Father for a reason – Matt 5:45).  How often do young children make mistakes as they learn and grow?  No matter how often a child fails, parents are quick to forgive them as soon as they show sorrow.  God is no different (1 Jn 1:9).  Your Father loves you so much that He gave His very own Son (Jhn 3:16).  Sometimes God’s forgiveness seems too easy because God loves us with such ease.

The Stone Left Unthrown

Wednesday, December 09, 2015
When I was about eleven, I was baptized.  When I was in my teens, I did something stupid (won’t tell what it is because it disgusts me to even think of it).  But in the Old Testament, it says to kill the woman who does this because it’s disgusting in the Lord’s sight.  I have read several different versions since then and many years have passed.  I cannot find anything to make myself think that God will forgive me.  To think that God is disgusted with you....


Can I be forgiven?  Can I be clean again?


Dear Guilt-Ridden,

Nothing can be more disgusting and horrible than killing christians – and God forgave Paul of that sin (Acts 26:10).  Paul said that he was set up as an example to all mankind that any sin, no matter how horrid, can be forgiven (1 Tim 1:16).  As much as Paul grieved his sins (he considered himself the least of the apostles, 1 Cor 15:9), he also gave thanks that God forgave him (Col 1:12-14).  Paul’s future life was fueled by the fact that it was by God’s grace he had been given a second chance.  Only in Christianity can we fully accept the weight and gravity of our sins and just as fully accept the gift of forgiveness.  “By the grace of God” Paul had hope, and because of that grace, he “labored more abundantly than all” (1 Cor 15:10).  Like the woman that was brought to Jesus to be stoned, you can be set free with a second chance (read the account of that woman in John chapter 8).  His only command to her was, “Go and sin no more” (Jhn 8:11).

Absolutely Unforgivable

Thursday, December 03, 2015
I have a question that I get a lot of different answers on.  I will admit I am a little scared to even ask this question because I think I may have committed this sin.  I have been told that it is never too late to be saved; however, some people say that is not true due to a sin called "the unforgivable sin".  I will admit I do not understand 100% what this means.  I think it may be if you die without Jesus, then you will be in trouble.  However, I am not sure what this means.  Please help me understand this so I am not scared or wondering if I have ever committed this sin.  Thank you for your time and God bless!


Fear of Failure

Dear Fear of Failure,

The unforgivable sin is the sin against the Holy Spirit, and the fact that you are visiting this website is a pretty sure sign that you haven’t committed it.  Jesus says that any sin will be forgiven except for someone blaspheming the Holy Spirit (Mk 3:28-30).  Jesus said this to the crowd that accused Him of casting out demons by the power of Satan (Mk 3:23).  That crowd could have been forgiven of any sin, but instead they rejected the miracles that testified that Jesus was from God.  Contrast that crowd’s attitude with Nicodemus’ attitude.  Nicodemus understood that the only way that someone could perform a miracle was if God was with him (Jhn 3:2).  When that crowd rejected the evidence that the Holy Spirit provided (in this case, the miracles), they rejected any chance to receive the forgiveness found in Jesus’ teachings.  When we reject the truth of God (the Bible), we reject the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit’s primary job is to bring the truth of the gospel to mankind (see the post “What the Holy Spirit Does” for more details).  Someone blasphemes the Holy Spirit by rejecting the truth that the Holy Spirit sent us in the Bible.  Any sin can be forgiven if we will turn to God’s Word and obey it (Rom 10:17, Heb 5:9), but there is absolutely no hope for someone if he or she will not accept the Holy Spirit’s Bible.

Therefore, since it seems that you are actively seeking the truth and trying to study and learn what God’s Word is – you have not committed the unforgivable sin.

Birth Announcement

Tuesday, December 01, 2015
I got baptized nine years ago at some church where my boyfriend was going.  A couple days ago, someone pointed out to me that I wasn't baptized for the forgiveness of my sins.  I just got baptized again.  I haven't really told anyone yet.  I feel kinda dumb for not knowing all those years and thinking that I was going to heaven.  Am I lying by not saying something?


Back To The Beginning

Dear Back To The Beginning,

The willingness to change when confronted with the truth is the mark of an intelligent and honest person.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  You aren’t required to tell everyone you meet, but don’t avoid the subject.  The fact that you are concerned that you are lying is a sign that your conscience is bothering you.  If there are people that you specifically avoid the subject with, and it is bothering your conscience, then you may need to go out of your way to tell them.  It is very important that christians always try and keep a clean conscience (Acts 24:16).

On top of that, you have nothing to be ashamed of; being baptized is a joyous event and an opportunity to let your light shine (Matt 5:16).  You are a christian now.  Christians have a responsibility to confess Christ to the rest of mankind (Matt 10:32-33).  Let those around you know how happy you are.

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