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Calling Names

Friday, June 10, 2016
In Psalms 111:9, it says that ‘Reverence’ is His Name.  So why are so many preachers adding ‘Reverend’ to their name?  Isn't pastor or minister enough of a title?  And the thing is, so many are living ungodly lives (however sin is sin in all of us).  Should we not honor God's name as reverent?

Keeping ‘Holy’ Holy

Dear Keeping ‘Holy’ Holy,

God specifically condemns religious leaders who take titles that put them on the same level as Him (Matt 23:8-10).  Many religious leaders are power-hungry and fixated upon receiving the honor of others.  Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for this very same arrogant attitude (Matt 6:1-2).  Preachers are only men; they shouldn’t place themselves above others.

Day 117 - Psalm 73

Thursday, June 09, 2016

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Was Mary Married?

Thursday, June 09, 2016
My question is: my pastor on more than one occasion preached that Mary, the mother of Jesus, had Jesus out of wedlock.  That makes Jesus illegitimate (God forbid).  Matthew 1:24 tells us that Joseph married Mary.  How do I go to this pastor, or should I ignore it?

Defending Her Honor

Dear Defending Her Honor,

The Scriptures tell us to test the spirits to see whether they are from God (1 Jhn 4:1).  If a religious leader is wrong, he needs to be corrected.  It is important to make sure that you aren’t simply misunderstanding this man, but if he is saying that Mary had Jesus out of wedlock, he is wrong.  As you said, Matt 1:24-25 clearly states that Mary was married to Joseph before Jesus was born.  If this man truly seeks the truth, he will welcome a conversation with you about the subject.

Day 116 - Psalm 72

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

All In The Family

Wednesday, June 08, 2016
Hi, my question to you is regarding the Bible… this might sound crazy, but I have not read the Bible, so could you please tell me if sleeping with your first cousin is a bad thing from the Bible’s point of view?  I read that Joseph and Mary were first cousins and married.  So, is it wrong?  Is it a crime?  Is it a sin?  Thank you!!!

Kissing Cousins

Dear Kissing Cousins,

The Bible never condemns marrying your first cousin.  Even in the Old Testament, the prohibition only extended as far as aunts and uncles (Lev 18:12-14).  First cousins are the closest permissible kin to marry.  There is no sin in marrying your first cousin.

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