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I'm A Big Kid Now!

Friday, May 31, 2013
What is the age of accountability?

Old Enough to Know Better

Dear Old Enough to Know Better,

The age of accountability is the age when a child becomes accountable to God for their sins and would be judged for them… exactly at what age that happens is the tricky part of your question.  We can tell you what the Bible says on the subject, but it doesn’t say much.

We know any baby that dies goes to heaven.  David’s son died, and David made it clear that his son was in heaven (2 Sam 12:23).  Also, Paul uses the immaturity of children as an example (1 Cor 13:11).  This tells us God doesn’t have the same expectation of a child’s behavior as He does of an adult’s.  Children are not bound by the same rules as adults.  A child doesn’t have the mental capacity or maturity to be held accountable for their mistakes like adults are.

In order to become a christian, there are several things God expects you to be capable of doing:

  1. Take responsibility for your sins (Acts 3:19).
  2. Hear and understand the Word of God (Rom 10:17).
  3. Be responsible for your own spiritual growth (1 Pet 2:1-2).

If a child is not capable of doing those things, they cannot be held accountable for their eternal future.

This still doesn’t answer the question though because every child matures at a different rate.  Everyone agrees that a five-year-old can’t be held accountable, and that a twenty-year-old can.  It is the age spectrum in between where our judgment gets fuzzy.  Only God, who knows our hearts (Lk 16:15), can accurately judge the hour in which a child makes that transition into accountability.

Day 108 - 2 Corinthians 4

Thursday, May 30, 2013

5 minutes a day
5 days a week
1 New Testament in a year

There are 261 weekdays in a year, and there are 260 chapters in the New Testament. By reading one chapter, Monday through Friday, you will read the whole New Testament by the end of the year. The Daily Cup series is to help with that goal.

Happy Studying!

"The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup." -- Psalm 16:5

Click here for a pdf of the study schedule - CLICK HERE

Rock On

Thursday, May 30, 2013
I am confused because some people say it is not bad to listen to music that says nothing bad, but some say all you should listen to is gospel music.  Which one is true?  Could you still listen to music that doesn’t say bad words or a bad message?  What does the Bible say about it?

A Musical Ear

Dear A Musical Ear,

There is nothing wrong with listening to music of any type as long as it:

  1. Does not teach or profess evil ideas (such as drunkenness, promiscuity, immorality, violence, etc.)
  2. Is not full of foul or crass language (Eph 4:29).

Bad company corrupts good morals (1 Cor 15:33), and bad music is a form of bad company.

Having said that – any other type of music is perfectly permissible.  Jesus even used music as an example of general happiness in the parable of the prodigal son (Lk15:25).

As for gospel music – you might find it interesting to know that some christians believe exactly the opposite of what you have been told.  There is debate amongst christians over whether or not religious music should be used as a form of entertainment.  Read our post “Should The Hip Hop Stop?” for another AYP reader’s perspective on “christian” music.

Day 107 - 2 Corinthians 3

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

5 minutes a day
5 days a week
1 New Testament in a year

There are 261 weekdays in a year, and there are 260 chapters in the New Testament. By reading one chapter, Monday through Friday, you will read the whole New Testament by the end of the year. The Daily Cup series is to help with that goal.

Happy Studying!

"The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup." -- Psalm 16:5

Click here for a pdf of the study schedule - CLICK HERE

Day 106 - 2 Corinthians 2

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

5 minutes a day
5 days a week
1 New Testament in a year

There are 261 weekdays in a year, and there are 260 chapters in the New Testament. By reading one chapter, Monday through Friday, you will read the whole New Testament by the end of the year. The Daily Cup series is to help with that goal.

Happy Studying!

"The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup." -- Psalm 16:5

Click here for a pdf of the study schedule - CLICK HERE

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