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Ready To Quit

Monday, August 12, 2013
I am forty-three and have been a christian since I was nineteen.  Since then, I have seen so much judgment, condemnation, hatred, and intolerance within the church towards other christians.  Finding a church and other christians that don't make me want to gouge my eyes out has been impossible.  The Bible seems to be very contradictory, and God claims to be loving, but according to the Bible, He is more angry than loving.  My life has been horrible, and Christianity has brought no relief.  A friend of mine who is a Nichren Buddhist has introduced me to Buddhist chanting.  In one month, I have gotten more peace and relief from that than from being a christian.  I have always felt that my pain and prayers have fallen on deaf ears by God.  I am very conflicted and am standing at a crossroad.  I really don't know what direction to take.  Why has Christianity been such a dissatisfying experience for me?  Why has every church member I have ever known been such a hypocrite and fake?  I would like to believe that God really wants us to be happy, but my personal experiences have not been the case.  What should I do?


Dear Ohm,

Corruption, hypocrisy, and scandal have been hallmarks of religion for as long as there has been religion… even in Jesus’ day.  The entire chapter of Matthew 23 is devoted to Christ lambasting the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of His day.  Paul warned that false teachers would commandeer Christ’s message for their own gain (2 Tim 4:3), and Peter sternly rebuked many of his contemporaries for their evil motives that would cause people (just like yourself) to doubt the truth because of the corruption of the messengers (2 Pet 2:1-2).  But there is hope!

Just like in Jesus’ day, there are pockets of people who actually practice what God preaches.  Most churches that proclaim Christ aren’t doing what the Bible teaches and are warping and twisting Jesus’ message (Gal 1:6-7), but there are congregations that truly do want to do only what the Bible says… people who are hearing and sincerely trying to do what God teaches (Jas 1:22-25).  We here at AYP remember that feeling of frustration with the religious confusion and hypocrisy.  We remember what it was like to feel frustrated to the point of giving up – and then we found the truth and people who love each other and love the Lord.

We can help you find a congregation in your area that can show you that there are sincere, honest people trying to serve God.  Christianity isn’t complicated when people do it God’s way.  Don’t give up just yet.  If you are willing to give it a try, we would be happy to help find a congregation in your area.  Just e-mail us at

Seeing Other Churches

Sunday, August 11, 2013
We have recently been told at our church not to visit any church because that is church prostitution, and anyone who does visit other churches is a spiritual prostitute.  Is there any such thing as church prostitution and spiritual prostitution?

Faithful Member

Dear Faithful Member,

The Bible does talk about spiritual prostitution – but never about church prostitution.  Spiritual prostitution is idolatry (Judg 2:17).  If someone decided to regularly attend a congregation that wasn’t faithful… that would be a very real problem, but simply visiting other faithful, God-fearing churches in your area isn’t wrong.  It also isn’t wrong if you are searching other churches because you want to find a church that is more faithful!

The problem is that many, many churches aren’t faithful.  Corruption is so prevalent in religion today that it is deeply disturbing.  God even warned us that false teaching would come (2 Thess 2:3).  Be very wary of churches that only tell you what you want to hear, instead of what you need to hear (1 Tim 4:3-4).  Compare all churches to the Scriptures; test all preaching against the Bible (1 Jn 4:1).  We recommend you read “Finding A Church” and “Down With Denominationalism” before visiting around.

Relic Rubbish

Wednesday, August 07, 2013
My question is probably going to be a difficult one, and being that I'm rejoining the Lord and seeking Him at this crucial time in my life, I need some direction in scripture that will clarify this question.  I keep coming back to it, but I have yet to find the answer myself.  Is the Catholic church’s practice of Veneration, "respectfully bowing or making the sign of the cross before a saint's icon, relics, or statue," a violation of the commandment, "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them"?

Statue Struggle

Dear Statue Struggle,

Yes.  Worship and veneration of “saints” and other Catholic relics is wrong.  God very specifically says that we should not serve anyone other than Him (Lk 4:8).  Paul even told the Athenians that their statues of worship were a sign of their ignorance of the one true God (Acts 17:23).  Catholicism doesn’t get its teachings from the Bible; they get them from a manmade organization in Vatican City, specifically the Pope.  Catholicism is wrong, and many of their practices are in direct violation of Scripture (such as forbidding marriage and abstaining from certain foods – 1 Tim 4:3).  Feel free to peruse other questions on the Catholic church in our archives under the Catholic category… you’ll find that time and time again Catholic practices disregard Bible truths.  Religion without adherence to the Bible isn’t faithful (Rom 10:17), and it isn’t pleasing to God (2 Tim 3:16-17).  It is our job to look intently into the Scriptures and test all religions against them (Acts 17:11, 1 Jn 4:1).  Catholicism fails the test.  If you would like help finding a congregation that passes the test, or you would like to study further, please e-mail us at

Hebrew National Hot Dogs?

Friday, August 02, 2013
I was wondering about something and was hoping you can shine some light on this situation for me.  Why don't we as christians eat kosher food like the Jewish?  It does mention certain things we are not allowed to eat in Leviticus.  So if it says it in the Bible, why don't most of us christians follow it?  Also, am I sinning when I eat certain things that are not kosher?

Dietary Restrictions

Dear Dietary Restrictions,

There is a difference between Old Testament laws and New Testament laws.  Christians are not bound to follow the Old Testament law because we are no longer under that law (Gal 3:24-25).  Feel free to read “Out With The Old?” for further details on the purpose of the Old Testament.

The Old Testament laws concerning what could and could not be eaten can be found in Lev. 11, but there is only one type of food that christians cannot eat – blood (Acts 15:29).  When an animal is killed, some cultures will strangle the animal so as to keep the blood in the meat, as opposed to draining the blood out.  Things like blood sausage, blood soup, blood stew, etc. are popular dishes in some countries, but eating them is wrong.  All other food is clean for New Testament christians... Jesus said so Himself in Mk 7:19.

Going Backward, Moving Forward

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Hello.  First off, I'm seventeen and was raised Episcopal.  Just until recently, about eight months ago, I lost my faith.  I began challenging the Lord and His true existence.  I experimented in other religions.  I am ashamed to say that in my teenage angst and anger, I looked into Satanism and Nihilism.  I am ashamed to say that I have denied my belief in the Lord and Jesus Christ to many people who have asked me if I hold faith.  I have sinned greatly in various ways.

Now, as I am preparing to move out, possibly join the military, and become more independent – I wish for the Lord to enter my life once again.  The problem is that I feel that I am not worthy, and the Lord has already damned me to hell.  I have never cursed the Holy Spirit, but I still think that if the Lord were smart enough, He would have abandoned me already.  So my question is: am I far from salvation and redemption?  Is there ever a way that I can have God back on my side and His love in my heart?  I want Him to hear my prayers and hear my praises.

Seeking His Love

Dear Seeking His Love,

God doesn’t desire anyone to perish in hell.  Jesus came to die for the sins of the whole world (Jhn 3:16).  God specifically says that if someone returns from their wicked ways, He will forgive them (Ezek 18:21-23).  We return to God through faith in His Son and repentance of our old lives (Acts 20:21).  Take the enthusiasm that you regret spending on Satanism, Nihilism, etc. and apply it to following every word of the Bible (Rom 10:17).  Christianity is about more than just calling upon the Lord (Matt 7:21-23); it is about letting His Word guide our lives.  If you are a part of a congregation that is devoted to Bible loyalty (1 Tim 3:15 – not all congregations are faithful to the Bible; we would be happy to help you find a church in your area), and you have done what the Bible says you must do to be saved (read “What Must I Do To Be Saved” for specifics on that subject), then you will be able to comfortably say that God hears your prayers, and your sins are forgiven.

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