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Hole In The Head

Friday, August 31, 2012
Is it a sin to pierce your ears for earrings?

An Ear For Wisdom

Dear An Ear For Wisdom,

Pierced ears are perfectly fine as long as they don’t make a man look effeminate (1 Cor 6:9 – see also “A Feminine Touch”) or make anyone look immodest (see “411 On The Bling Bling”).  Pierced ears have been around since at least the days of Moses (Ex 35:22).  God has no problem with pierced ears.  In fact, God uses earrings in the Proverbs, and they are mentioned in a purely positive light (Pr 25:12).  God also mentions earrings in Ezek 16:12 when describing how He clothed Israel in fine garments and jewelry (which included earrings).  Earrings and pierced ears are perfectly all right.

Him For Her

Thursday, August 30, 2012
     I know in Leviticus it talks about sexual relations; having read this, I'm wondering about lesbian relations and why God didn’t mention this.  Or did I miss something?


Dear Confused,

Lev 18:22 and Lev 20:13 both talk about homosexual relations and state that they are forbidden.  In both cases, it talks about men not lying with men, but the implication is that the same would be wrong with women lying with women.  But, if there is any doubt how God feels about the issue, Rom 1:26-27 makes it clear that homosexual relations are wrong for both genders because both are mentioned.

This Is Reality?!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
I may be given an opportunity to be on the reality show ‘The Bachelor’.  Would this be bad?  Also, when you are dating, what point should the line be drawn at for intimacy?  Thank you.

Moment Of Fame

Dear Moment Of Fame,

The line should be drawn significantly before one begins cavorting semi-nude in a pool with a harem of women.  We admit that we have never seen the television show ‘The Bachelor’, but the commercials alone are enough to paint a pretty appalling picture.  Women are degraded and dress immodestly (1 Tim 2:9), love is replaced with lust (Rom 6:12), and men give a horrible example of what being a worthwhile mate should be (Eph 5:25, 1 Tim 5:2).

Christians are supposed to live godly and holy lives, leaving the intimacy of the sexual realm to marriage (1 Thess 4:3-5).  Reality television shows with this type of content shouldn’t even be watched by Christians.  We live in a world that panders to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 Jn 2:16).  Christians are to seek God with self-control (2 Pet 1:6).  The marriage bed is to be held in honor (Heb 13:4).  Shows like this neither teach self-control or hold marriage in a place of honor.  Yes, it would be bad for you to participate in ‘The Bachelor’.

A Feminine Touch

Monday, August 27, 2012
Is it okay for a man to act gay even if he isn't gay?

Manly Man

Dear Manly Man,

No, it is not okay for a man to act homosexual or effeminate.  Ever.  The Bible clearly states that we are to avoid all appearances/forms of evil (1 Thess 5:22).  Homosexuality is a sin (Rom 1:26-27); christians should never look like they are sinning.  Contrary to popular media attention, christians do not hate homosexuals, nor does the Bible teach that we should hate anyone (Matt 5:43-45).  As the old saying goes, “Hate the sin, but love the sinner”.  Having said that, homosexuality is dead wrong and a godless lifestyle that will condemn one to hell (Rev 21:8).  Christians should be teaching and converting people from homosexuality, not imitating their behavior.

The Bible specifically says that it is wrong for a man to even act in an effeminate way (1 Cor 6:9).  Men should act like men, not women.  Women are naturally feminine, and men are naturally masculine - hence the words of Romans 1:26-27 that state that homosexuals “give up the natural use”.  It may seem comical when you see a man acting in a feminine way, but it isn’t funny – it’s sinful.

The Women At The Tomb

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Luke 24:1-12 is the story about the women finding the empty tomb of Jesus. The Scripture identifies the women as Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James.

Women were the first ones to discover that Jesus had risen.  I was wondering how this speaks to the value of women in God's eyes and within Christianity. Also, even though the women did discover this first, it didn't seem important until Peter came and discovered that Jesus was gone.

Sincerely, Femininely Focused

Dear Femininely Focused,

Women are given great value within the Scriptures – exactly the same value as men. Indeed, it was women that first found the empty tomb (Lk 24:1-2). Entire books are written about faithful women (Book of Ruth & Book of Esther). Several women are listed in Hebrews chapter 11, the ‘hall of faith’ chapter (Heb 11:11, Heb 11:23, Heb 11:31). The fact that the news of Christ’s empty tomb didn’t begin to spread until His apostles began spreading the word of it, doesn’t make the tender act of the women bringing spices to His grave any less meaningful. His apostles’ report of an empty tomb would have carried more weight than anyone else’s.

The Bible is clear that men and women have different roles within the church. Men are to lead the congregation as elders and deacons (1 Tim 3:2, 1 Tim 3:12). Women are to teach in more private settings and by their godly demeanors (Tit 2:3, 1 Tim 2:9-10). Husbands are to lead their families in sacrificial Christ-like love (Eph 5:25), and wives are to bind together their families by their respect for their husbands and love for their children (Tit 2:4, Eph 5:24). Yet, in all these differences, God makes it clear that neither male nor female is greater than the other (1 Cor 11:11-12). They are equals and joint-heirs of salvation in Christ (1 Pet 3:7).

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